MyAgentFinder is a nationwide service that streamlines the process of buying and selling homes by matching leads with qualified real estate professionals. Agents are hand selected based on the leads' preferences and individual needs, which they can specify when initially signing up to use the service.
As an Agent, you can sign up for MyAgentFinder within BoldTrail to start generating referrals. When a qualified buyer or seller lead is available in your area, MyAgentFinder will notify you immediately, allowing you to follow up with your new lead!
How it Works
Interest: Determine your subscription tier/referral fee preference. Complete your MyAgentFinder profile to ensure we send clients you can serve and close. Also, make sure you and your Broker are aware of all terms and conditions.
Qualified Referrals: When a qualified buyer or seller is available in your area, we will notify you. Successful agents in our network accept referrals promptly and contact the lead immediately.
Convert: Log all interactions and status updates in the agent dashboard to inform us about your progress and ensure you continue receiving referrals. The more you close, the more referrals you will receive.
Getting Started
To start taking advantage of MyAgentFinder, log into BoldTrail and open your Marketplace from the left-hand menu. Search for MyAgentFinder, and click Learn More.
On the main MyAgentFinder Marketplace tile, click on Get Referrals to start the sign-up process.
Enter your details, confirm that you have reviewed the Terms of Service, and click on Get Started to create your account. From here, you can continue to MyAgentFinder to choose a subscription and set up your profile.
MyAgentFinder Subscription Plans
MyAgentFinder includes a number of subscription options that you may select when setting up your account. To view these options, login to your account, go to Marketplace, and review MyAgentFinder details.
Managing your Plan
After purchase, to change or update your existing MyAgentFinder plan, visit the My Plan page within your MyAgentFinder account. You can easily view the details of your existing plan at the top of this page.
If you would like to upgrade to a different plan, you can do so at any time by clicking the Select button beneath each plan's listing.
When you upgrade to a new plan, you'll need to confirm the change by clicking Confirm Plan. The change will be effective immediately, and the monthly charge will change at the start of the next billing cycle.
However, if you are currently using a paid plan and would like to downgrade back to the free option, your existing Basic, Pro, or Expert plan will be cancelled. This will be processed at the end of your current billing period (30 days after your last payment). Please allow five days for IRE's Billing team to process the change.
Updating Credit Card Information
If you would like to update the credit card used on your MyAgentFinder account, you can click on Edit Billing to make these changes.
Submitting your Own Referrals
If you have the Basic, Pro, or Expert plan with MyAgentFinder, you have the option of submitting personal referrals through your account. To do this, log into MyAgentFinder and select the option to Manually Add from the left-hand menu.
From here, you can enter your referral's contact information as well as basic details about their home purchase or sale.
Note: When submitting a personal referral, the Referral Fee will be split 50/50 to the Referring Agent.
MyAgentFinder FAQ
I'm a new Agent. How can I purchase a MyAgentFinder plan?
As a new Agent, you would select your plan after signing up for the service via the Marketplace. You'll be asked to enter your credit card information, and you will be billed for the first month once you complete your profile.
I'm an existing Agent on MyAgentFinder. How can I purchase a plan?
Navigate to the My Plan page within MyAgentFinder (or search for the product in the Marketplace). If you do not already have a subscription, you can enter your credit card information and agree to MyAgentFinder's terms in order to subscribe. You will also see a banner in your MyAgentFinder dashboard notifying you of any changes.
What if I selected the lower tier but now want to upgrade to the higher tier, and I don’t want to be charged again?
View your current plan from the My Plan Page on your Dashboard, and select the higher tier. Once you confirm the change, your Active Plan will be updated on the My Plan page within a few minutes. We won’t be pro-rating the price for the remainder of the current month. You’ll simply see the upgraded plan price charged on your next bill.
What if I want to Downgrade my plan?
You can downgrade your plan anytime through the My Plan page on your Dashboard. If your account has already been charged for the month, we recommend waiting until the end of the billing cycle (30 days after your last charge) to process this change so you can maximize the benefits you’ve already paid for.
Will I get refunded for leads that didn’t qualify further or, ultimately, transact?
Your MyAgentFinder Plan is a monthly charge for access to added benefits (submit your own referrals, priority within our referral ranking), as well as receiving a lower referral rate. There are no charges for leads or referrals upfront, only at closing. As such, we do not issue refunds for referrals that ultimately do not transact or engage further once the hand-off has been made.
How many referrals will I receive if I upgrade to the Basic, Pro, or Expert Tier?
A primary value of the upgraded tiers is the ability to reduce the referral rate and unlock access to value-added benefits. However, it does not guarantee a certain number of referrals. We cannot guarantee a certain number of leads as this can vary significantly by market area.
Pro-level subscribers will see their agent ranking increase and will receive prioritization for new buyer/seller referrals in their service area. This will be the best way to increase your opportunity to see more consistent lead volume.
Expert-level subscribers will additionally receive the added benefit of having a personalized agent profile page and dedicated advertising efforts to drive traffic to that page. Any referrals generated from these efforts will be assigned directly to you.
Overdue Referral Notifications
To remain active and eligible for new referrals, no matter what tier you are on, you must keep all client referrals up to date in your agent dashboard, app.myagentfinder.com.
I have received few leads/no leads so far. Why should I sign up for the paid tiers?
The quantity of referrals you receive from MyAgentFinder is driven by a combination of:
The quantity of leads generated in your area
The number of active agents in the network within your area
Your performance on referrals you receive from MAF
An increased priority for agents on our Pro and Expert plans
Because of these factors, we can’t guarantee delivery of a certain number of referrals each month. Participation in a paid subscription is voluntary.
Will Leads still be sent to multiple agents?
Yes, we will still assign referrals to two agents to ensure the lead has the chance to interview more than one agent.
The only exceptions to this are leads generated from advertising efforts directing leads to an agent page on HomeandMoney.com with the Expert Plan. These leads will be only assigned to the Expert Tier subscriber.
Can I opt-out now, and if I decide to return, can I be activated again?
Yes, you can always opt out of the program. If you do want to return, you would need to email support@myagentfinder.com to reactivate your previous account.
The only exception to this is the Expert Plan subscription, which requires a 6 month commitment.
Since I have had closings, can I be grandfathered into the 35% referral fee?
Referrals assigned to you previously at 35% are still subject to that same referral fee upon closing. However, any new referrals issued from October 18th forward will be assigned at a 40% referral fee (Free Profile) or the rate that matches your plan at that time.
Can I have all my agents under one team and pay for a tier to ensure they are all at that referral fee split?
Yes, you have the ability to create a team account, pay the fee monthly, and the Team Leader can then pass the referrals to the agents of their choosing.
To create a team account, please reach out to: support@myagentfinder.com
Can I limit it to specific ZIP codes?
You can always set your areas of service to where you work, but our marketing is not based on ZIP codes. To ensure you receive the most clients in your desired area(s), it is best to select counties and cities, vs. ZIP codes.
What does referring our clients mean?
This feature simplifies the process for inputting personal client referrals looking to buy or sell out of your area and needing an agent in a new location. MyAgentFinder will qualify and refer this lead out on your behalf, and if the referral closes with that agent, you would receive 50% of the commission that MyAgentFinder collects. Typically, these would be sent out at 30%-40% referral fee if over 150K and 25% referral fee under 150K.
To access this feature, go to your dashboard, tab: Manually Add, then complete the form based on whether it is a buyer or seller referral. Please note that you will have to have permission to share the individual's contact information prior to submitting.
Once submitted and assigned, you can follow the client's stages by going to your Active: Outbound Referrals section.
Will properties under 150K still be at the 25% rate?
Yes, no matter what plan you are on, if you receive a referral that closes under 150K, the referral rate will be 25%.
I’m no longer interested in receiving leads from MyAgentFinder. Please cancel my account.
Thank you for letting us know, we are sorry to see you go! If you are looking to leave the Network, you can Opt Out of our Program using this link.
Expert Plan Details
What is included with the Expert Tier?
Everything included in the Basic and Pro plans, plus a reduced referral fee (30%), a personalized Agent Profile page on HomeandMoney.com, a portion of your monthly subscription re-reinvested into an advertising campaign targeting your desired service areas, as well as direct lead assignment for any referrals generated from these efforts.
What do I need to provide to build my Agent Page?
First, log in to your Agent Profile on app.myagentfinder.com. Click your name in the top left, and select ‘Edit Profile’.
You will want to ensure all details on the Brokerage, Profile and Logo tabs are current and up to date (e/g Years in Real Estate, Social Info links, etc). We will use this information to build out your Agent page.
Please pay close attention to the following items:
Profile Page - Areas of Service
Profile Page - About Me section
Profile Page - Intro Video URL (optional)
Logo Page - Profile Picture (note: please ensure this image is high resolution)
When should I expect my Agent Page and Advertising to start on the Expert Plan?
Once we receive your opt-in for the Expert Plan, we will allow you 24 hours to ensure your profile settings are up to date (noted above). After 24 hours, we will start building out your agent page and advertising campaign based on the service areas provided.
The total time estimated time from opt-in to agent page and campaign launch is estimated between 3-5 business days. We will notify you once the agent page and advertising campaign are live. (Note, edits can be made post-launch if needed)
How will I know the Lead came through my landing page?
The lead source is HAM Agent Profile, and the Channel website is Home & Money.
These leads will automatically be routed to you; there will not be an accept/decline text or email sent, just the confirmation of a new referral assigned to you.
What if I receive a lead that is not in my area?
Leads generated through your landing page will not affect your overall ranking with the network; therefore, if you cannot service the lead, please contact us, and we will try to assign them to another agent.
Have more questions? Please reach out to Customer Support via the blue chat bubble to the right or by emailing support@insiderealestate.com!