Inbox/Activity Tab Features
Your inbox in the app has two main features. First, you can view your text messages in a conversation format, (as if you were using the text app in your phone) and all of your recent activity such as texts, listing views, and new leads. You can filter out just your inbound messages on the Inbox tab at the top, and view all activity in order with the Activity tab.
Conversation Style
If you tap on a text message (denoted by the red & white chat bubble icon) you will see all of your text history with your contact in one place. Inbound messages are anchored on the left, and your messages are on the right.
Other Activity
On the activity tab, you can tap on any activity that is not a text message, and it will take you to their contact details/timeline.
Have more questions? Please reach out to Customer Support via the blue chat bubble to the right or by emailing!