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[BoldTrail] Attaching/Uploading Files To Contacts
[BoldTrail] Attaching/Uploading Files To Contacts

Learn more about adding files to your contacts in the Smart CRM.

Updated over 2 months ago

If you'd like to upload files to contacts, you can, using the 'Files' tab within their contact profile. They can easily be uploaded and accessed via your Google Drive cloud storage.

To upload files to your individual contacts you must have your account synced to Google. Files are uploaded with a naming convention that makes them easy to find in Google Drive.

If your Google Sync is set up, you can open any contact in BoldTrail by clicking on their name and accessing the 'Files' tab.

On this tab, simply click on the grey area to begin a file upload, or click & drag a file from your computer into the grey area.

The interface shows you when the file is uploaded. Whenever a file is added, it's given a name prefix. Each file name uploaded will begin with:

"Kunversion-[lead name]"

When you are viewing the files tab, you'll see the blue button 'View All Files.'

Click this to open Google Drive to see the files filtered with the prefix BoldTrail added.

In the future whenever you need to access your files, you can open the Google Drive app on your phone, tablet, computer, etc. and you'll be able to find all your lead's/contact's files simply by searching for their name. 

Have more questions? Please reach out to Customer Support via the blue chat bubble to the right or by emailing!

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