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[Mobile] About the Millions Mapped App

Get your mobile home search app in front of your contacts, and a tutorial on how MM is used by your contacts to search and other features.

Updated over 9 months ago

What is Millions Mapped?

Millions Mapped is a special mobile app that you have access to as a user of BoldTrail. 

It's an app for your leads to be able to see properties for sale on a map, similar to what you can do with Zillow.

Please Note: Millions Mapped will only be used by your contacts.

The major difference is that the Millions Mapped app is faster than Zillow, easier to use, and uses MLS data to drive it, unlike Zillow which is a confusing mix of both MLS data and "estimates."

For you, Millions Mapped has two major uses.

  1. You can utilize it as a lead capture device.

  2. You can utilize it as a way to obtain phone numbers from your sphere/leads/prospects.

  3. You can share it with your contacts as an alternative to Zillow which protects their privacy. Think about it more like this. Zillow is a huge company. One of the ways that it has grown is by collecting user info and distributing it to its customers. If your contact uses millions mapped, they never have to worry about their information being sold off anywhere. It remains with you.

How to Invite Your Contacts

One major feature of this app is that even though it's on the app store, you can tie leads to YOU using your special app link.

Your special app link is your BoldTrail URL followed by /app.php.



This app link can be used in any call to action. Landing Pages, Custom Text Codes, etc. Calls to action can be anything like "Download my mobile office to see the latest home updates" or "See Listings For Sale on my super-fast mobile app!"

(Example of a business card with a really, very terrible design, but an excellent mobile app call-to-action. 'redapp' is a custom text code, it is NOT a default text code.)

Of course this call to action is not only useful for cards, but useful for your email signature as well!

How to Add Your App Link to Your Custom Text Codes

For Getting More Phone Numbers

A really simple message you can include in your Smart Campaigns is a call to action for those leads with no phone number. Sometimes we get those kinds of leads and we should always try working whatever angle we can to get good numbers. BoldTrail tries its best by prompting users to use their phone number as their password to sign up on your BoldTrail website. However, if you have a smart campaign that is tailored to buyers with no phone number, a call to action such as the following may be useful:

"I have my own mobile app that's faster and more useful than Zillow! Send me your phone number and I'll text you the link! You'll be able to see all of the very latest updates on homes for sale wherever you are."

This, or something like this in your own words, will prompt them to send you their cell phone number. When they send it, add it to their profile and text them your special app link!

How to Use Millions Mapped

Curious about how Millions Mapped works? This is a walkthrough of the features of the app.

It all starts with getting to the app link that we explained above. The specific link is critical to the flow of associating that person with your BoldTrail database.

Following the app link automatically takes you to the app store page for your specific device (Android shown.)

The first page welcomes you to the app showing the photo of the real estate professional that linked you to it.

After a moment, the app then prompts for location access. It is important to share the location information, because that is what Millions Mapped uses to zoom in to wherever you are. Millions Mapped by default is designed to show you whatever is for sale around your actual location.


Map Key

  1. Summary - The summary of information of the visible homes for sale on your screen.

  2. Yellow Icon - School Location

  3. Black Shape - A drawn area that limits the homes displayed to those within the confines of the drawn area.

  4. Blue Circle - A cluster of homes that cannot be individually labeled as a result of not being zoomed in enough. Zoom in to reveal the individual home icons.

  5. Red Icon - Home for sale with an open house scheduled.

  6. Green Icon - Home for sale.

  7. Heat Map - Tap to open heatmap options, or to turn the heatmap off.

After tapping on a green or red home icon, you can navigate to each location by swiping left or right on the listing photo. Tap the listing photo to view the details of the property.

Zoom to Location, Or Search

After allowing location access you might see a prompt to zoom in. Simply tap the compass arrow at the bottom left of the screen to zoom to your current location.

Alternatively, if you want to view homes in another geographical location, you can search for it by tapping on the search icon at the top of the screen.

Start typing a location and tap on the best suggestion from the google results to zoom to that location.

Draw On Map

It can be useful to draw on the map to limit the homes that are shown to you.

It may be useful to first draw on the map, then switch to 'list view' so you're only looking at homes listed within the area you drew.

Start by tapping on the 'Draw' icon.

The map will clear. Draw an area with your finger. Then tap 'Save' at the upper right.

The map will then update to limit the scope of homes for sale.


Satellite Layer

Tap this icon to show or hide the satellite imagery layer.


List View

Tap on the list view icon to see all of the homes for sale in a list format as opposed to showing them on the map.

To return to the map, tap the 'back' button at the top left corner of list view:


Heat Maps

Heat maps are an interesting way to visualize the concentration of listings for different parameters. For example, where are the older properties mostly located? Newer ones? Where are the listings that have the best walk score? Where are the cheaper properties located?

These so called heat maps glow from white-hot, indicating a greater concentration, to a medium yellow heat, to a brownish red and faded out color near the outer range of the concentration.

To access heat maps, tap on the heat map icon at the lower right corner of the map area.

A list of available heat maps will show. Tap on one to select it.

After making your selection, wait for the data to load and the heat map to appear. While it is loading, the heat map icon at the bottom right corner will pulsate until it has loaded all the data.


Logging Into Millions Mapped

In order to use a few features in Millions Mapped you'll need to log in using an email address or Facebook account. This includes favoriting properties and getting a home valuation. If you are prompted to log in, the login screen will look something like this:

Logging in will reveal some additional options in the main menu.

  1. The email address you're logged in with.

  2. Logout of the app, you will need to log in again to use some features.

  3. The settings screen allows you to enter your agent's code, if you have been given one. It normally looks like 'AXXXX' where 'XXXX' is a number.

    1. Please Note: Only k+ accounts (not BoldTrail) have an Agent code. If you have BoldTrail please send your contacts your link.

  4. Tapping this option will prompt you to enter your home's physical address, and the app will estimate its value. As an automated valuation, it is a great starting point to discuss with your Agent the current market conditions and check to see where that valuation lies. Too high or too low?

  5. Tap on 'My Agent' to see the agent from who you downloaded Millions Mapped. If no agent is identified you may be prompted to enter an agent code.

  6. View the properties you've recently tapped on to view the details on.

  7. See all the properties you've saved. (Use the 'heart' icon at the upper right corner when viewing a listing.)

Have more questions? Please reach out to Customer Support via the blue chat bubble to the right or by emailing!

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