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[BoldTrail - Admin] Managing Bulk Smart Numbers Overview
[BoldTrail - Admin] Managing Bulk Smart Numbers Overview

As a Company Admin, learn more about managing bulk Smart Numbers

Updated over 8 months ago

How to Set Up a Smart Number for an Agent

Upon your Bulk Smart Number order being configured, you’ll be able to assign Smart Numbers to your Agents. Follow the steps below to assign a Smart Number:

  1. Login to BoldTrail

  2. Click on your Name at the top right corner of your Dashboard

  3. Click on 'Phone'

  4. Click the green '+Add Number' button

  5. In the pop-up window that displays, select the desired Smart Number to be assigned

  6. Select the desired Entity to assign the Smart Number to:

    1. Company

    2. Office

    3. Team

    4. User (Agent)

  7. Select the name of the Agent in the ‘Owner’ dropdown

  8. Forward Agent Replies to - here, you can enter a phone number to forward replies when Admins use the Smart Number to text Agents. Without a forwarding number errors may occur if Agents respond to an Admin text via the Smart Number.

Please note: You may click to enable call recordings for the specific Smart Number, however, please be aware that federal law requires consent for all calls being recorded. In some states, it is illegal to record calls without the consent of both parties. By checking the box, you assume full responsibility for compliance with state and federal laws.

After saving, the Smart Number is now ready for Agent use!

How to Set Up a Smart Number for a Team

Upon your Bulk Smart Number order being configured, you’ll be able to assign Smart Numbers to the Teams under your account. Follow the steps below to assign a Smart Number:

  1. Login to BoldTrail

  2. Click on your name at the top right corner of your Dashboard

  3. Click 'Phone'

  4. Click the green '+Add Number' button

  5. In the pop-up window that displays, select the desired Smart Number to be assigned

  6. Select the desired Entity to assign the Smart Number to

    1. Company

    2. Office

    3. Team

    4. User (Agent)

  7. Select the name of the Team in the ‘Owner’ dropdown

  8. Select how you would like this number to be routed:

    1. Forward to another number - the Smart Number will always be routed to the number you add here

    2. Call specific agent - although the owner of the number will be the Team, the Smart Number will always be routed to a specific Agent

    3. Rotate through all agents - the Smart Number will round-robin through all Agents within the Team

  9. Forward Agent Replies to - here, you can enter a phone number to forward replies when Admins use the Smart Number to text Agents. Without a forwarding number errors may occur if Agents respond to an Admin text via the Smart Number.

Please Note: You may click to enable call recordings for the specific Smart Number, however, please be aware that federal law requires consent for all calls being recorded. In some states, it is illegal to record calls without the consent of both parties. By checking the box, you assume full responsibility for compliance with state and federal laws.

After saving, the Smart Number is now ready for Team use!

How to Set Up a Smart Number for an Office

Upon your Bulk Smart Number order being configured, you’ll be able to assign Smart Numbers to your Offices. Follow the steps below to assign a Smart Number:

  1. Login to BoldTrail

  2. Click on your name at the top right corner of your Dashboard

  3. Click 'Phone'

  4. Click the green +'Add Number' button

  5. In the pop-up window that displays, select the desired Smart Number to be assigned

  6. Select the desired Entity to assign the Smart Number to

    1. Company

    2. Office

    3. Team

    4. User (Agent)

  7. Select the name of the Office in the ‘Owner’ dropdown

  8. Select how you would like this number to be routed:

    1. Forward to another number - the Smart Number will always be routed to the number you add here

    2. Call specific agent - although the owner of the number will be the Team, the Smart Number will always be routed to a specific Agent

    3. Rotate through all agents - the Smart Number will round-robin through all Agents within the Office

  9. Forward Agent Replies to - here, you can enter a phone number to forward replies when Admins use the Smart Number to text Agents. Without a forwarding number errors may occur if Agents respond to an Admin text via the Smart Number.

Please Note: You may click to enable call recordings for the specific Smart Number, however, please be aware that federal law requires consent for all calls being recorded. In some states, it is illegal to record calls without the consent of both parties. By checking the box, you assume full responsibility for compliance with state and federal laws.

After saving, the Smart Number is now ready for Office use!

How to Set Up a Smart Number for the Company

Upon your Bulk Smart Number order being configured, you’ll be able to assign Smart Numbers to the your Company. Follow the steps below to assign a Smart Number:

  1. Login to BoldTrail

  2. Click on your name at the top right corner of your Dashboard

  3. Click 'Phone'

  4. Click the green '+Add Number' button

  5. In the pop-up window that displays, select the desired Smart Number to be assigned

  6. Select the desired Entity to assign the Smart Number to

    1. Company

    2. Office

    3. Team

    4. User (Agent)

  7. Select how you would like this number to be routed:

    1. Forward to another number - the Smart Number will always be routed to the number you add here

    2. Call specific agent - although the owner of the number will be the Team, the Smart Number will always be routed to a specific Agent

    3. Rotate through all agents - the Smart Number will round-robin through all Agents within the Company

  8. Forward Agent Replies to - here, you can enter a phone number to forward replies when Admins use the Smart Number to text Agents. Without a forwarding number errors may occur if Agents respond to an Admin text via the Smart Number.

Please Note: You may click to enable call recordings for the specific Smart Number, however, please be aware that federal law requires consent for all calls being recorded. In some states, it is illegal to record calls without the consent of both parties. By checking the box, you assume full responsibility for compliance with state and federal laws.

After saving, the Smart Number is now ready for Company use!

How to Reassign a Smart Number

It’s possible that at some point you may need to reassign a Smart Number to a different entity. Doing so is easy!

  1. Login to your account

  2. Click your name in the top right corner

  3. Select ‘Phone’

  4. Find the number you would like to reassign

  5. Click ‘Edit’ to the right of the number

  6. Choose a new entity, routing, and number to forward Agent replies

  7. Remember to click ‘Save’

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