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[BoldTrail] A Complete Guide to Smart Campaigns
[BoldTrail] A Complete Guide to Smart Campaigns

Learn more about Smart Campaigns and utilizing BoldTrail automation!

Updated over a week ago

How to Access Smart Campaigns

You can access Smart Campaigns by clicking on the 'Marketing' tab. Then, select 'Smart Campaigns'.

How to Use the Campaign Libraries

On your Smart Campaigns page, there are two main sections.

System Smart Campaigns  

The System Smart Campaigns section contains all of the pre-built campaigns designed by Inside Real Estate. These campaigns have been thoroughly tested and are IRE's best take on an effective campaign for the given contact type.

To review what's in the library, click the 'System Smart Campaigns' tab at the top.

To add the Campaigns to your library for use, click the 'Add to My Library' button on the right-hand side.

My Campaigns

This is where all of your own campaigns are stored when you create them from scratch or copy and edit the system campaigns.

To edit a campaign, click on the campaign name. You will then see the editing controls for the campaign to the right.

Please Note: If you wish to edit a campaign that has been provided to you by your Broker (Usually the Default Campaigns) you will not be able to edit this campaign if you are an Agent, however, you can clone the campaign and create your own copy which you can then edit.

To enable or disable a campaign, use the switch under the status column to the far right of each one. If a campaign is toggled off (grey) the campaign cannot and will not be assigned to contacts.

Disabling a Smart Campaign in the Smart Campaign page of the Marketing tab will prevent the Campaign from being assigned to new leads, and will prevent the Campaign actions from sending to existing assigned leads. The Campaign will still be applied to these existing leads, but no actions will be triggered or sent out.

The Campaign will still track the time since the Campaign is assigned to the lead. Once the Campaign is reenabled from the Marketing > Smart Campaign section, the Campaign will resume and send the next available action when it reaches the correct send time. It will continue to track as if the Campaign is actively running, but will not send out the actions until it is reenabled.


Mandated Campaigns


When you see that a campaign is 'Locked,' it means that the campaign will run for your contacts that meet that criteria. Typically these will come from your Team or Office Administrator. The campaign will always activate for the contacts that match the criteria unless of course, you modify the contact that qualifies it for a more specific campaign. Typically, there are default campaigns that are designed to handle basic new Buyers and Sellers that sign up on your BoldTrail site so that you don't need to design a campaign right away. You will learn more about Campaign Specificity later in this article.

Dark Padlock - Campaign created at the Administrative level that will run for the contacts that match the criteria of the campaign.

Open Padlock - Campaign created at the Agent or Administrative that is not mandated.

How to Copy/Clone a Campaign

The best way to get started with campaigns is to copy an existing campaign out of our System Smart Campaigns list. That will give you something to start with that you can modify or personalize to your particular needs or taste.

In the System Smart Campaigns list, you can click on a campaign name to review its contents.

You can copy the campaign to your personal library, using the clone button on the right side.

Clicking on 'Clone Campaign' will open a pop-up with all of the options pre-filled in.

Because you are making a copy, you can skip the 'Campaign Logic' and 'Designed' settings pages.

To do so, click on tab #3: 'Set Details' and change the name of the campaign to something your own.

Something like 'My Default Seller' would be appropriate.

Click on 'Next' at the bottom of this tab, then click on 'Finish' on the final section.

Instead of clicking on the campaign name to clone the campaign, you may also use the 'Add to My Library' button at the far right of each campaign.

Creating/Editing Campaigns

Whether you are creating or editing a campaign, you need to know that campaigns have two parts.

  1. Campaign Settings: Dictate when the campaign starts, and other details such as its name or whether or not it is shared with other BoldTrail users.

  2. Campaign Actions: The individual events that occur within the campaign. For example, if you want a text message to go out on day 5 of a campaign, that is a campaign action. Or if you want to change the status of the contact from Active Lead to Sphere at the end of the campaign, that is also a campaign action.

Generally, you start with campaign settings, then you add your campaign actions (emails, texts, etc.) to it. They are managed separately.

Campaign Settings

To edit the campaign settings of an existing campaign, click on a campaign name within 'My Campaigns', then click 'Edit' on the right side. Then, skip to Step 2 below.

Please Note: If you wish to edit the campaign settings of a campaign you did NOT build you'll need to clone the campaign before you can edit it.

Before you can add any email, texts, tasks, or any actions to a campaign, you must first name it and tell BoldTrail when you want it to run (using the campaign settings).

Create a New Campaign

Navigate to 'My Campaigns' and find the '+ Add Campaign' button at the upper right.

Step 1: Campaign Logic


Campaign Scope - Admins Only

Please Note: Admins will have the ability to choose a campaign scope. They will have access to the entity of which they are an Admin (Team/Office/Company) and the Agents who fall under that entity.

The first thing you will set as an Admin is the campaign scope.

The scope tells BoldTrail who has access to the campaign. If you set the scope of the campaign to a group such as a Team, or Office, the campaign will be triggered for that entire group's contacts if toggled on.


Please Note: If two campaigns may be triggered at the same time, the campaign with the lowest and most specific scope will be added to the contact/lead. The scope hierarchy is Company > Office > Team > Agent.

Each agent who is a part of that entity will see the campaign in their library, and who configured it.

TIP: Depending on how you want to organize your Teams or your Office, please make sure to bring all of your teammates onto the same page by making them aware of the campaign that will be running. They can then create their own campaigns to fill in the gaps for the tasks they want to accomplish or the messages they want to send.

Next, you will see the options on how you want your campaign to be triggered.

You must pick one of the three standard triggers, or use the advanced triggers.

Campaign Triggers Overview

Standard Triggers

  • Lead is New: The campaign is added to all "New Lead" contacts that get added to the system. This is your standard type of trigger where you want the campaign to be assigned to New Leads after they register on your site from an advertisement or any other lead funnel source.

  • Contact is Transferred: The campaign is added if a lead is transferred from one user to another. For example, if an ISA transfers a contact to an Agent, this could trigger an Agent-specific campaign.

  • Hashtag is: The campaign is added if the lead gets the specified hashtag assigned to it. This is very useful when you have a particular campaign intended for a particular kind of contact. If that person was generated from, for example, and you had a specific campaign you wanted to use, you would utilize the hashtag that you know would be assigned to those contacts.

  • Specific Date Occurs: The campaign is added based on a date such as a birthday home purchase anniversary, or specific date or your choosing. You can also add a qualifier (optional) such as a specific hashtag, source, etc.

    • Please Note: Only one Birthday or Home Anniversary campaign will run at a time - if either is used for a trigger for two campaigns, one will not attach.


Note: Date based campaigns will not appear under Active Campaigns when adding a Smart Campaign manually within a contact's profile.

Advanced Triggers

Using advanced triggers you can create the specific conditions under which the campaign should be added to the intended contact.

It's especially useful when you want to assign a campaign based on a status, but not if a certain hashtag is assigned. There are many ways you can control the flow of campaigns here.

For example, if you want to assign the campaign when a lead is a particular status, but NOT when they have a particular hashtag, you can add the following trigger.

A common use for this is creating campaigns for specific advertising sources. For example, if you wanted only your New Zillow Leads to be on the campaign, you would use :

  • Status IS New Lead 

  • Hashtag IS Zillow

Advanced Trigger Logic

IS: The field equals the value

IS NOT: The field is not the value

ONLY: The campaign will only trigger for the lead if they only have the hashtags listed there, no more and no less

MUST: The lead must have all of the hashtags listed (but could also have more)

'I Do Not Want a Start Trigger'

You have the option not to apply a start trigger. This means the campaign will NEVER be automatically applied to a contact. However, you can manually assign it (if enabled) to the contacts you'd like it to run for.

Always Run

Select whether or not you want this campaign to always be assigned on top of other campaigns if the assignment criteria are met. Yes, this DOES mean that multiple emails or texts can be sent by different campaigns on the same day. Use with caution and planning!

Campaign Specificity: Always Run

This feature will add an additional campaign to the contact (beyond one campaign) if they match the criteria for the campaigns.

Campaign Examples:

Campaign 1: New Lead, Buyer, Source: Zillow <ALWAYS RUN OFF>

Campaign 2: New Lead, Buyer <ALWAYS RUN OFF>

Campaign 3: New Lead <ALWAYS RUN IS ON>

Scenario 1: New Buyer lead from website

  • Matches both #2 and #3.

  • Most specifically matches #2, therefore Campaign 2 is assigned.

  • Also matches #3, which has ALWAYS RUN on, so that is assigned as well.

Scenario 2: New Buyer lead from Zillow

  • Matches #1, #2, #3.

  • Most specifically matches #1, therefore Campaign 1 is assigned.

  • Matches #2, but ALWAYS RUN is off.

  • Also matches #3, which has ALWAYS RUN on, so that is assigned as well.

Please Note: If two campaigns may be triggered, and both also have always run turned on, both campaigns will be assigned.


If you are adding a campaign at the admin level for your team or office, locking a campaign will force it to run for all the agents' contacts within that team or office if they meet the criteria. If left unlocked, agents can move those contacts off of the campaign either manually or by changing the organization of the contact.

Statuses, and Hashtags Review

BoldTrail Statuses

Sphere: Contacts you know, who may or may not be searching for real estate.

Prospect: Contacts you've met or have information for, who you want to convert into a real estate lead. They are not actively searching right now, and your efforts are directed towards getting them to do so.

New Lead: Contacts who have signed up on your website, either from an ad or some other lead source, such as an email import.

Active Lead: Contacts who are actively returning to your website to view properties. Leads who respond to communication who have not responded before will automatically default to active status when they respond the first time (if not within the first 2 minutes of the lead's creation in the CRM).

Client: Contacts you are actually working with, and showing homes, etc.

Contract: Contacts who are in the buying or selling transaction process. **If a transaction management system is integrated with BoldTrail (ex: DotLoop, Skyslope, or DocuSign) and a contact matches, their status will automatically update and indicate that they are tied to an existing transaction.**

Closed: Contacts who have completed a transaction. **If a transaction management system is integrated with BoldTrail (ex: DotLoop, Skyslope, or DocuSign) and a contact matches, their status will automatically update and indicate that they are tied to an existing transaction.**

Archive: Contacts you don't intend to work or communicate with. Moving a contact to this status will unsubscribe them from any further automated communication.

Each time a status is changed or assigned to a contact, it can trigger a particular campaign to be assigned.

BoldTrail Hashtags

A hashtag is a label that you can affix to a contact. It's completely free-form and can give you a more granular organization of your contacts if you wish it.

There are many ways hashtags can get added to contacts, but the most basic way to do it is to open a contact record and add a hashtag to the 'Hashtag' section on the left of the profile.

As with statuses, hashtags can also dictate which campaigns are assigned to your contacts.

The main idea is that as you manage and organize your contacts (change their statuses and hashtags), the system can automatically change the campaign they are on to the most relevant one. This will save you thousands of emails and text messages over time!

Step 2: Designed For

After clicking 'Next' you can choose the contact type.

Pick the type that you want to be set in order for this campaign to be assigned.

Contact Type

The contact type can be set either automatically or manually in BoldTrail. In this step, the contact type you choose here will affect whether or not a campaign is assigned, just like triggers in Step 1. If you are unsure if you don't want to restrict the automatic assignment of the campaign, select 'ALL' at the bottom.

Normally when a contact signs up after browsing residential homes for sale, their type is set as Buyer. Or if they register from the 'Sell' page on your BoldTrail site, they could be set as a Seller.

Please Note: You can also set the type yourself when viewing a contact.

A combination of the type and the triggers you chose in the previous step will determine the conditions that cause this campaign to be assigned to a contact or not.

Considering how many possible combinations of triggers and types there are, BoldTrail can handle any situation you want to throw at it.

Campaign Specificity - Lead Types

Contacts have one campaign they can be assigned to. If they qualified (based on trigger and type criteria) for multiple campaigns, they are assigned the most specific campaign where the most criteria/triggers are met.

Campaign Examples:

Campaign 1 triggers: New Lead, Buyer, Source: Zillow

Campaign 2 triggers: New Lead, Buyer

Campaign 3 triggers: New Lead

Scenario 1: New Buyer lead from website

  • Matches both Campaign 2 and Campaign 3.

  • Specifically matches all the triggers in #2, therefore Campaign 2 is assigned.

Scenario 2: New buyer lead from Zillow

  • Matches campaigns 1, 2, and 3.

  • Specifically matches all the triggers in #1, therefore Campaign 1 is assigned.

Please Note: In a situation where you have two campaigns that have the same triggers, the one with the higher scope is always selected. The hierarchy for scope is Company > Office > Team > Agent. If there is still a tie, the campaign with more matching triggers is selected (as outlined above.)

Step 3: Set Details

Upon clicking 'Next' after choosing contact types, you can set the miscellaneous details of the campaign in step 3.

Campaign Name

Set this as you would like it to appear under 'My Campaigns'.


Set this as you would like it to appear when reviewing your campaign details.

Always Run

Select whether or not you want this campaign to always be assigned on top of other campaigns if the assignment criteria are met. Yes, this DOES mean that multiple emails or texts can be sent by different campaigns on the same day. Use with caution and planning!


If you are adding a campaign at the admin level for your team or office, locking a campaign will force it to run for all the agents' contacts within that team or office if they meet the criteria. If left unlocked, agents can move those contacts off of the campaign either manually or by changing the organization of the contact.

Step 4: Review & Add

Upon clicking 'Next' from Step 3 of the campaign, review the details you set and click on the green 'Finish' button on the bottom left.


Building a Date-Based Smart Campaign

TIP: The 'Always Run' setting for Smart Campaigns does not apply to date-based campaigns so if a campaign is already assigned to a contact, your date-based campaign will trigger without issue.

Please Note: If a lead is added to a date-based campaign after the campaign has
started, the remaining campaign actions will still apply to the lead. This includes if run-annually is turned on.

Keep in mind, if you have a birthday or anniversary Date-Based Campaign the birthday or anniversary Behavioral Automation text will not be sent. Only one will be received by the contact.

Additionally, when emails are queued as part of a date-based Smart Campaign, all emails for that campaign will be delivered within a 24 hour window.

Templates & Campaign Actions

Templates and campaign actions are the communications that your contacts will actually receive.

  • Templates are like canned responses. You can write them out ahead of time, and then you can insert them into a campaign as a campaign action.

  • Campaign actions are scheduled events in a campaign. Campaign actions can start immediately and can end 720 days from the date of the campaign assignment. In other words, any text message, email, task, call, status change, or hashtag change in between those two extremes can be scheduled in advance.

Creating Templates

Templates are pre-written messages, reminders, or calls that can be scheduled to send in campaigns with Campaign Actions.

How to Add a New Template

To add your own template you can create them from the Templates tab, or directly from the Campaign you're building.

Email Template

Create an email that you want your campaign to send automatically for you. Emails can be sent from BoldTrail to you, or from you to your contact. Email templates can be one of two types, basic or advanced.

Emails sent from Smart Campaigns are considered to be automatic by the system. Due to this, they will send out according to your set Office Hours.

  • Basic emails are mainly text. They can include variables known as 'merge tags' which BoldTrail will use to automatically insert things like, the contact's name.

  • Advanced emails are HTML-based and can be designed with images, colors, videos, and more.

Basic Template

  • Template Name - Give your template a unique name so you can find it in the future by searching.

  • Template Scope - As an admin, select the scope that can "see" this template. For example, setting the scope to an office will share that template with the agents in that entire office.

  • Content - This is where the body of the message goes. The basic editor for formatting the content has the essential features for formatting, which include what are called 'merge tags'. Use merge tags to insert placeholders that will auto-populate with data when the email is sent.

For more information on merge tags, click here.

Advanced Template

You can click on the 'advanced editor' button to switch to the advanced email editor. This will allow you to create HTML-based emails that can be designed with images, colors, videos, and more.

Please Note: If you add content and then switch editors your work will be lost. If you've been working out of one editor and decide to switch to the other copy and paste your work into a document for safe-keeping.

To learn more about the advanced email editor, click here.

SMS Template

Create a text message that you'd like to be sent automatically as part of a Smart Campaign. Texts can be sent from BoldTrail to you, or from you to your contact.

Text templates have a limit of 220 characters. SMS signature and opt-out language do not count towards the 220-character limit!

Please Note: To ensure compliance with anti-spam laws and protect users, BoldTrail limits the number of mass texts or campaign texts that can be sent to a lead to one per day.

Smart Campaign text actions must be spaced 24 hrs apart.

  • Template Name - Give your text message a name so you can find it in the future.

  • Template Scope (Admin Only) - Access level of the template. If you're an Office Admin and select your Office, for example, every agent in your Office will be able to use the template.

  • Content - The text message itself.

    • TIP: Try to limit the size of the message for better response rates.

Smart Campaign/Mass Text Limit

Mass/ Smart Campaign texts will be limited to one per lead per day. In the event of multiple texts scheduled to be sent within that same day, any attempts after the first will not be delivered and a note will be added to the lead's timeline indicating the send failure.

Task Template

Tasks are 'reminders' that you will see in your task list on the dashboard each day.

  • Template Name - Give your task a name so you can find it in the future.

  • Template Scope (Admin only) - Access level of the template. If you're an Office Admin and select your Office, for example, every Agent in your Office will be able to use the template.

  • Title - The title of the task that will be displayed in the task list when it is due to be completed.

  • Content - The content of the task is a message that describes the task that should be done. 

  • Assign to - Who the task will be assigned to.

    • 'Assigned Agent' is the default value. It means "Assign this task to the Agent who is assigned to this contact."

    • 'Let Me Choose' (Admin only) gives you the option to assign the to be completed by another agent in your Company. When you assign a task to someone other than the Agent who is assigned to the contact, the contact is automatically shared temporarily while the task is due to be completed. After the chosen Agent completes the task, the lead is un-shared with them.

      • Please Note: You will choose the Agent once the task has been added to a Smart Campaign, NOT when creating the task.

      • This option is only available to Admins.

Smart Campaign Task Behavior

  • A smart campaign call task will not generate an actual task or display it as a task anywhere in the system until the smart campaign call task action has run.

  • The smart campaign call task will display in future touch points on the contact timeline before the smart campaign call task has run.

  • After the smart campaign call task action has run, it will create an actual task and that task should display on the contact task tab and in the task tab on the dashboard.

  • The reason for this is to minimize the impact of having to delete the created task if the campaign is removed or the action cannot run for any reason.

    Note: Smart Campaign call tasks and regular tasks are different functions.

Call Template

Calls are scheduled with campaign actions, and they are added to the daily call list. You use the dialer to complete them in BoldTrail.

  • Template Name - Give your call a name so you can find it in the future.

  • Template Scope (Admin Only) - Access level of the template. If you're an Office Admin and select your Office, for example, every Agent in your Office will be able to use the template.

  • Content - This will show up as the reason for the phone call when it is due in the calls list. This is where you want to provide the details you'll need to understand why BoldTrail is asking you to call the contact.

Webhook Template

Webhooks are interesting in that they can trigger things to happen in real life or in other programs automatically. For example, if you are creating a campaign for Seller leads, and you want to send them a postcard automatically to the address they used to get a property valuation, you could do that with a webhook URL from a third-party who sends postcards.

To learn more about webhooks, click here.

  • Webhook Name - Give your webhook a name so you can find it in the future.

  • Webhook Scope (Admin Only) - Choose who can see this webhook in the templates list.

  • URL - Paste the base URL+Auth Key of your webhook here. 

  • MLSID - This only shows if you select a listing query parameter below.

  • Query Parameters - enter the name of the query string parameter that will be used in your URL and then select which value it should equal to in the drop-down menu. The query string parameter name will be the name expected by your webhook.

  • + Add Query Parameter - After adding your first parameter, the 'Add' link will show.

Voicemail Drop Template

If you subscribe to Voicemail Drop you can add a ringless voicemail to your Smart Campaigns in order to make them more personal!

  • Recording Name - Give your Voicemail Drop template a name

You can make a new recording or upload a recording by scrolling down.

Managing Templates

Cloning Templates

There are times when it's a good idea to make a copy of a specific template you want to edit instead of changing the original, especially if it can affect more than one campaign.

To do so, you'll want to first find the template you want to make a copy of, and click the 'Clone' button to the right of that template.

In the edit modal that appears, you can change the name of the template, scope (Admins only), and content. Once you're satisfied click 'Clone Template' on the bottom left.

Once it's cloned, you'll be able to find it the next time you edit or add an action to your campaign.

The templates that you've created yourself you may manage. You can clone any template that you can see, but you can only edit or delete templates you've created.


Editing Templates

Inline Editing

In this video, we will show you:

  1. How to add an action.

  2. How to edit a template you do NOT own.

  3. How to edit a template you DO own.

  4. How to remove an action from a campaign.

All without having to leave the campaign screen!

How to Edit a Template

Frequently Asked Questions

My Company has locked a campaign - can I edit the campaign actions from within the campaign?

No - locked campaigns cannot be edited by the user. You will need to clone and edit the campaign copy.

How can I edit and save a template for all campaigns?

From within a campaign, update the template as desired and select the checkbox next to ‘Save over current template’. After confirming, this will save the template for all current and future campaigns.

How can I save a new template that I’m editing?

While editing a template from within a campaign you can save the template for future use. Just update the title, make sure the checkbox next to ‘Save over current template’ is unchecked, and save.

Campaign Actions

When you open a campaign that you've cloned from the System Smart Campaigns list, or created yourself, you'll notice on the left-hand side, all of the actions in that campaign.

The actions table tells you when the action is triggered, the name of the action, what kind of action it is, and from who to who the action is sent or assigned. There is also a button to edit and delete the action.

Adding Action Types

To add an action, click the green '+ Add Action' button on the top right of the table.

Email Action

  • Name - Give your action a name to be displayed in the list of events in the campaign.

  • Template - Choose a previously created email template. This is the message that will be sent.

  • From - Select where the email will come from: either the Agent, Lender, or System. Agents and Lenders can only send emails to contacts, whereas the System can only send emails to Agents and Lenders.

  • To - Select the recipient of the email message, the selection depends on who the email is coming from.

  • Run Immediately (toggle) - Send this email as soon as the campaign is assigned to a contact.

    • Please Note: Messages will not be sent outside of Office Hours. If the campaign is added outside Office Hours, BoldTrail will run the campaign action the following day during Office Hours.

  • Time Unit - Select the amount of time to wait before the email should be sent in terms of hours, minutes, or days.

  • Time Value - Select the amount of Time Unit to wait before the email should be sent.

Call Action

This is a scheduled call for you to make that will appear on your dashboard or in your task list.

  • Task Reminder - Schedule the call

  • Call Me - BoldTrail will call your cell phone, and when you answer you will be prompted if you want to connect to your contact. Then, the system will hand off the phone call to you after dialing the contact on your behalf.

    • The system never speaks to the contact.

    • Selecting 'Call Me' will remove all other options for a call task.

    • You'll be prompted to choose the number of phone calls you will receive from BoldTrail over a period of 3 days. Each time the contact does not answer the phone or you get voicemail, the system will try again later, automatically, until the entered number of attempts is reached.

  • Name - Give the phone call event a name to be listed in the campaign actions list.

  • Template - Select a previously created call template. 

  • From - The only option is 'System' because only the system can assign calls to Agents or Lenders.

  • To - Select Agent or Lender, whoever the call should be assigned to.

  • Run Immediately (toggle) - Schedule this call to be completed as soon as the campaign is assigned to a contact.

    • Please Note: Messages will not be sent outside of Office Hours. If the campaign is added outside Office Hours, BoldTrail will run the campaign action the following day during Office Hours.

  • Time Unit - Select when you want this action to execute in terms of minutes, hours, or days.

  • Time Value - Select exactly when you want this action to execute. These values are dependent on what time unit you selected. For example, days range from 1 to 720. Minutes range from 1 to 60, etc.

SMS Action 

This is a text message sent by BoldTrail to the recipient indicated.

  • Name - Give your action a name to be displayed in the list of events in the campaign.

  • Template - Choose a previously created SMS template. This is the message that will be sent.

  • From - Select where the SMS will come from (via your smart number): Agent, Lender, System.

    • Agents and lenders can only send SMS to contacts.

    • The system can only send SMS to agents and lenders.

  • To - Select the recipient of the SMS message, the selection depends on who the SMS is coming from.

  • Run Immediately (toggle) - Send this SMS as soon as the campaign is assigned to a contact.

    • Please Note: Messages will not be sent outside of Office Hours. If the campaign is added outside Office Hours, BoldTrail will run the campaign action the following day during Office Hours.

  • Time Unit - Select the amount of time to wait before the SMS should be sent in terms of hours, minutes, or days.

  • Time Value - Select the amount of Time Unit to wait before the SMS should be sent.

 Add a Tag Action

This action adds a hashtag to the contact assigned to this campaign.

  • Name - Give your action a name to be displayed in the list of events in the campaign.

  • Add Tag - Add the hashtag you'd like added to your contact. 

    • Please Note: It is possible for the tag to trigger a new Smart Campaign. Plan accordingly!

  • Run Immediately (toggle) - Send this SMS as soon as the campaign is assigned to a contact.

    • Please Note: Messages will not be sent outside of Office Hours. If the campaign is added outside Office Hours, BoldTrail will run the campaign action the following day during Office Hours.

  • Time Unit - Select the amount of time to wait before the hashtag should be applied in terms of hours, minutes, or days.

  • Time Value - Select the amount of Time Unit to wait before the hashtag should be applied.

Remove Tags

  • Hashtags to Remove - Select all hashtags or specific ones.

  • Name - Give your action a name to be displayed in the list of events in the campaign.

  • Time Unit - Select the amount of time to wait before the hashtag should be applied in terms of hours, minutes, or days.

  • Time Value - Select the amount of Time Unit to wait before the hashtag should be applied.

Status Action

This action changes the status of the contact assigned to this campaign.

  • Name - Give your action a name to be displayed in the list of events in the campaign.

  • Change Status To - Choose a status. When this action is triggered, the contact's status will be updated.

    • Please Note: A change in status can trigger a campaign change if one is found to apply

  • Run Immediately (toggle) - Change the status as soon as the campaign is assigned to a contact.

  • Time Unit - Select the amount of time to wait before the status change in terms of hours, minutes, or days.

  • Time Value - Select the amount of Time Unit to wait before the status is changed.

Webhook Action

This action triggers an HTML GET webhook to a third party.

  • Name - Give your action a name to be displayed in the list of events in the campaign.

  • Webhook Template - Choose a previously created webhook template.

  • View This Template (toggle) - Show the contents of the selected webhook template.

  • Run Immediately (toggle) - Activate the webhook as soon as the campaign is assigned to a contact.

    • Please Note: Messages will not be sent outside of Office Hours. If the campaign is added outside Office Hours, BoldTrail will run the campaign action the following day during Office Hours.

  • Time Unit - Select the amount of time to wait before the webhook is activated in terms of hours, minutes, or days.

  • Time Value - Select the amount of Time Unit to wait before the webhook is activated.

Voicemail Drop Action

This action sends a Voicemail Drop to a contact on the Smart Campaign.

  • Name - Give your action a name to be displayed in the list of events in the campaign.

  • Recording - Select the recording or add a new recording to use for the Voicemail Drop

  • View This Template (toggle) - If selecting a previous recording, show the contents of the selected Voicemail Drop template.

  • Run Immediately (toggle) - Send the Voicemail Drop as soon as the campaign is assigned to a contact.

    • Please Note: Messages will not be sent outside of Office Hours. If the campaign is added outside Office Hours, BoldTrail will run the campaign action the following day during Office Hours.

  • Time Unit - Select the amount of time to wait before the Voicemail Drop should be sent in terms of hours, minutes, or days.

  • Time Value - Select the amount of Time Unit to wait before the Voicemail Drop should be sent.

Zapier Action

This action is designed as an alternative that is much easier to digest than webhooks. If you are familiar with Zapier, you can use this action to trigger a Zap!

To learn more about Zapier, click here.

  • Zap ID - This is an automatically generated ID that you will use in Zapier as a filter, to ensure the Zap only runs for the contacts in this campaign. 

  • Name - Give this Zap action a name.

  • Connection - Describe the app that you're intending this Zap to connect to and/or what you intend it to do.

  • Run Immediately (toggle) - Activate the Zap as soon as the campaign is assigned to a contact.

  • Time Unit - Select the amount of time to wait before the Zap is activated in terms of hours, minutes, or days.

  • Time Value - Select the amount of Time Unit to wait before the Zap is activated.

Once you create this campaign action and save the Zap ID, you can create the zap.

Task Action

This is a scheduled Task (reminder) that will appear in your task list in BoldTrail.

  • Name - Give your action a name to be displayed in the list of events in the campaign.

  • Template - Choose a previously created task template.

  • View This Template (toggle) -

  • Run Immediately (toggle) - Schedule the task to be due as soon as the campaign is assigned to a contact.

  • Time Unit - Select the amount of time to show when the task should be completed in terms of hours, minutes, or days.

  • Time Value - Select the amount of Time Unit to wait before the task is scheduled to be completed.

  • Assign To (Admin Only) - Only shows on templates that have set the option to choose assignee. Assign this task to be done by an Agent. It could be yourself, or someone other than the contact assignee. If the task is assigned to someone who does not own the contact, the contact will be automatically shared with the assignee until the task is completed.

    • Please Note: This option is only available on tasks where an Admin has selected 'Let Me Choose' for the assignee.

How to Know When a Campaign is Ending

When you open a Campaign that you've added to your Campaign Library, you'll notice all of the actions in that Campaign.

This table tells you when the action is triggered, the name of the action, what kind of action it is, and from who to who the action is sent or assigned. There is also a button to edit and delete the action.

If you want to know that a Campaign has ended, you can add a 'task' action as the last action in the campaign which will inform you it's come to a close. You can add a task action by clicking the '+ Add Action' button and selecting 'Task' from the dropdown.

The task you create should easily let you know that the Campaign is coming to an end. In this case, there is a task template specifically indicating the Campaign is ending.

To learn more about creating templates, click here.

How to Share Smart Campaigns

Campaign Sharing Frequently Asked Questions

Which campaigns do I have access to share with another Agent or Admin?

If you can edit it, you can share it! If you do not have edit permissions you will not be able to share the campaign.

I've added a Sharing Token and the campaign isn't appearing. Is something wrong?

Not necessarily! Campaigns can take up to 15 minutes to appear in your account. After 15 minutes if you're not seeing the campaign please log out and back in to refresh your account.

How will I know that the Sharing Token worked?

You'll know the process is finished when the campaign is visible in your library. You will also receive an email linked to your BoldTrail account.

Will the campaign name copy over?

Yes! The campaign will appear in your library as 'original campaign name (copy)'.

I'm a Lender. I want to share a campaign. Is this possible?

Not at this time. Unfortunately, Lender accounts do not have the ability to share campaigns.

If I share the campaign with another Agent, can they also share it with other Agents?

Yes - any campaign a user can edit they can also share. This means that if you share a campaign with an Agent they then have the ability to share it with whomever they like.

I want to share a campaign that has a Voicemail Drop - if I share it with an Agent without a VM Drop subscription can they still use the campaign?

While the Agent can use the campaign, the Voicemail Drops will not send to their contacts. They would need to purchase a Voicemail Drop subscription and upload their own voicemails.

Manually Assigning, Pausing, or Restarting Campaigns

For a Single Contact

When you click on a contact in your SmartCRM to reveal their details, their campaign assignment will be displayed on the right-hand side.

This is where you can see any campaigns which are assigned.

You can manually assign a campaign by clicking on the add link and selecting an available campaign from the list.

Clicking the pencil icon next to an assigned campaign allows you to edit the progression of that campaign.


Choosing to pause, remove, or restart a campaign will add an event to the contact's timeline.

Paused Campaign Logic Example

The logic behind campaign pauses and resumes can be counterintuitive. When a campaign is paused, all actions that would have otherwise occurred during that period are essentially frozen. Once the campaign is resumed, the "timeline" continues from the point at which it was paused, but the days skipped during the pause do not affect the schedule of subsequent actions.

Manually Mass-Assigning to a List of Contacts

Occasionally, the need may arise to assign a Smart Campaign to multiple contacts at once, like adding the Open House campaign to a group of contacts you just imported from a sign-in sheet or assigning the Past Client campaign to a list of buyers and sellers you have helped in the past and want to ask for referrals from.

When mass-assigning a Smart Campaign, you will first need to be logged into your BoldTrail account.

  1. Navigate to the Smart CRM tab on the left.

  2. Use one of the Filter options to search for the list of contacts who need the campaign assigned to them if they are not readily accessible in the table of contacts.

    TIP: This is where Hashtags are a big help! You can easily filter for a Hashtag that was applied during the import or that you manually added once the contacts were added.

    To learn more about using Hashtags, click here.

  3. Click the top checkbox on the left to select the entire list of boxes which tells BoldTrail to apply your next action to all of those chosen contacts.

  4. Click on 'More Actions' at the top of the contacts table.

  5. Click 'Add Campaign' from the drop-down that appears.

  6. A box will appear with the first available campaign already selected. Click on the drop-down to choose a different campaign, if needed.

  7. If you need to de-select a campaign, just click on the name again or click on the name of another campaign to replace it.

  8. Once you are satisfied with your Smart Campaign selection click the green "Add Campaign" button and the page will refresh once it has been assigned to all the chosen contacts.

How to Remove and Replace Smart Campaigns

Manually Replacing a Campaign

Once an Active Lead turns into a Client you should change the Smart Campaign that they are on otherwise your communications with them may be hindered by the automated messages that lead-specific campaign is still sending to them.

  1. Log into your BoldTrail account.

  2. Click on the Smart CRM tab to the left.

  3. Click on the lead's name that you wish to replace the campaign for.

  4. The 'Campaign' section will have a green check-mark icon next to it signifying they already have an active Smart Campaign assigned.

  5. Click on the current campaign's name to bring up the edit options.

  6. Click on the red "Remove" button.

  7. Click on the 'Add campaign' line and choose the new Smart Campaign from the drop-down that appears.

  8. Click the blue "Add" button to save and refresh the record's details.

  9. You will see the prohibition sign turn to a green check-mark icon signifying the new campaign has been added.

Two new notes will also be added to the Timeline saying the old campaign was removed and the new one was applied.

TIP: Generally, it is a good idea to create a Smart Campaign for each main stage a contact will go through in your pipeline:

  1. Sphere, Prospect, or New Lead (depending on how you generate contacts),

  2. Active Lead or Client (depending on how you push contacts through your pipeline).

  3. Closed (this would be a 'Past Client' follow-up).

Manually Removing a Campaign

Although it is strongly recommended that you assign a 'Closed' or 'Past Client' Smart Campaign to continue building your referral network, there may be instances where not having a campaign assigned is necessary after you have helped your Client buy, sell, or invest.

You may also need to remove a campaign from family members or friends that were imported with a Smart Campaign applied on accident.

  1. Log into your BoldTrail account.

  2. Click on the Smart CRM tab to the left.

  3. Click on the lead's name that you wish to replace the campaign for.

  4. The 'Campaign' section will have a green check-mark icon next to it signifying they already have an active Smart Campaign assigned.

  5. Click on the current campaign's name to bring up the edit options.

  6. Click on the red "Remove" button.

The contact's record will automatically refresh to display 'No campaigns' and a new note will be added to the Timeline saying the campaign has been removed.

Automatically Replacing or Removing Smart Campaigns

You can automatically start a campaign after a different one has ended by utilizing hashtags. This can be helpful if you have, for example, a shorter "Welcome" Smart Campaign for new leads, but would like them to automatically start on a longer-term follow up campaign for nurturing.

First, choose a hashtag for your longer-term Smart Campaign. In your Smart Campaign settings, make sure that the Campaign is set to start automatically when this hashtag is added.

Next, open the settings for your shorter-term campaign. Add a new Tag action to the end of the campaign.

Your tag should be the hashtag that you previously set to trigger your longer-term campaign. Once you've added a name for this new tag, select your desired time interval for this action to run, and click Save.

You will see your new Tag action in your list of Campaign Actions. Once this Smart Campaign ends, your longer term campaign will automatically run.

Additionally, if you set up your Smart Campaigns to trigger based on a contact's status, you can use the statuses to control which campaigns are assigned to a contact.

You can also leverage Behavioral Automation to automatically replace or remove Smart Campaigns.

Contact Status

When you create or edit a Smart Campaign, there is an option to set up a Trigger that causes that particular campaign to automatically assign itself to a new contact in your Smart CRM.

Setting up a campaign this way means that any time a contact's status is changed, the existing campaign (if any) will be replaced by the campaign that has the new status as a trigger.

For example, if you have a Smart Campaign that triggers on the New Lead status and another Smart Campaign that triggers on the Client status, any time a New Lead is entered, that campaign will automatically assign itself to that contact.

Then, if you change that New Lead's status to Client because you won their listing the existing New Lead campaign will be automatically replaced by the Client status campaign you have waiting in the wings.

Behavioral Automation

In your Behavioral Automation settings, there is a toggle to enable an automatic status change from 'Prospect' and 'New Lead' to 'Active Lead' when a Prospect or New Lead responds to communication.

If you have a Smart Campaign that triggers on the status of 'Active Lead', it will automatically assign itself to any contacts whose status changed due to this automation setting.

Deleting a Campaign

To delete or remove a Campaign you must do so from 'My Campaigns'. Select the campaign name which you would like to delete.

Once in the campaign overview, you will now have the option to remove the campaign from the campaign library.

You will then be prompted to confirm that you'd like the campaign removed.

Success Assurance Limitations

If you currently have the Concierge service with Success Assurance enabled for your account, Smart Campaigns will not be added automatically to leads that have the Concierge turned ON. This prevents confusion on the lead's end when multiple automated messages are received during the Concierge's regular follow-up process.

Leads who are in Concierge OFF status will still be automatically added to Smart Campaigns. Additionally, Smart Campaigns may still be added manually to contacts even if they are in Concierge ON status.

Smart Campaign Details - Campaign History

In the Campaign History section, you can view the sync history for an individual Smart Campaign by clicking on the name of the campaign and going to its details page.

This new Campaign History section is available on all Smart Campaigns. Campaign History when and by whom any of the following actions were done for a campaign:

  • Campaign created

  • Campaign edited

  • Campaign synced

  • Campaign set to active

  • Campaign deactivated

There are a few scenarios in which an "unknown user" can show here - if the user doesn’t exist at all, has no first and last name in their My Profile, or does not exist in that account (in the case of super account-synced campaigns/default campaigns) can all lead to "unknown user" shown.

Please Note: This feature is only available for Smart Campaigns, not for individual templates.

Have more questions? Please reach out to Customer Support via the blue chat bubble to the right or by emailing!

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