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[Marketplace] Success Assurance Overview
[Marketplace] Success Assurance Overview

Convert Leads to Conversations with a Live Concierge Team.

Updated over a week ago


Ensure success by extending your outreach with live concierges who qualify your leads in as little as 90 seconds and nurture these opportunities for up to one year. Relying on experts to manage your leads enables you to concentrate on business growth while ensuring your lead-generation investments are paying off!

How it Works

Step 1: Nurture Leads

First, your leads will begin to get worked by live concierges located in the US who will nurture them until they are ready to talk to you.

Step 2: Keep Working

Next, work your day job while the Success Assurance team qualifies your leads and passes them on only when they are determined to be active buyers and sellers.

Step 3: Engage!

Finally, your leads will be transferred to you to work and convert into clients and deals.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the Concierge do?

The Concierge will reach out to new leads for up to 365 days via calls and text messages. Two phone calls will be made during the first 2 days of registration, and then will continue to text for the rest of the year. If a lead asks the team to call them, they will do so. Once responsive, all correspondence is done by a U.S.-based, human Concierge.

What are the hours a Concierge engages with leads?

The Concierge will call new leads as they come into the BoldTrail platform according to the Concierge Calling Hours:


8 am - 9 pm Agent's Timezone - Continental US (EST, CST, MST, PST)

8 am - 7 pm AK

8 am - 6 pm HI


8 am - 9 pm EST/CST

8 am - 8 pm MST

8 am - 7 pm PST

8 am - 6 pm AK

8 am - 4 pm HI

Overnight Registrants:

The Concierge team also utilizes Dark Hours, which is the time period during which the Concierge will not call any leads that register. Calling hours end at 9 pm in the agent's timezone.

Leads that register during dark hours will not receive any calls from the Concierge at the time of registration. The Concierge Team will be prompted to call the lead the following morning based on the time the lead registered. They will receive an initial greeting text message after the greeting call is made.

These are handled in a queue, where new registrants are prioritized, then the team calls the overnight registrants.

Lead Registration

Concierge Call Prompt

9 pm - 12 am

9 am

12 am - 4:59 am

12 pm

5 am - 7:59 am

9 am

Who is Jesse?

The Concierge Team will all use the name Jesse when communicating with leads. This is in place to ensure consistency when communicating with Leads across the Account. They will reach out on your behalf and qualify Leads through Call + Text.

Note: During phone calls with the Lead, the Concierge will use their real name, but through Text messages, they will be "Jesse". When the Lead is qualified the Concierge will make an introduction and alert you to take over the conversation. The alerts/notifications from the concierge regarding a lead are sent through email, as well as being logged as status updates in the CRM.

What happens when a lead calls the Concierge number?

The call will be forwarded to the agent's mobile number. The system will send an automated message to the lead stating:

Hello {VisitorFirstName}, this is {ConciergeName}, the {ConciergeTitle} with {OfficeName}. Sorry we missed your call, it has been forwarded to my agent, {AgentFirstName}. Were you able to connect with them directly? If not, how can I assist at this time?

If the lead replies, the Concierge will continue to engage via text in an effort to further qualify the lead.

  • You now can customize your settings to tailor how outbound Success Assurance messages reference your business in the {CompanyName} spot above.

  • Customizing action is only needed if you want to adjust the naming from how it currently appears.

    • To do so, navigate to your Success Assurance settings under the Marketing Tab in your BoldTrail account.

    • If you approve how the naming is today, you may leave as is and rest assured that your current communications will be unaffected.

What sort of visibility does the Concierge have into BoldTrail?

The Concierge does not have insight into the lead's profile or your account. They can see your name, email, phone number, and whether they have live transfer enabled (including the date the live transfer was enabled). They are provided a link to the agent's website, and their office address.

Will the Concierge notify me when the lead is ready to talk?

Once the Concierge has asked all the qualifying questions and confirmed the lead is ready to speak to an agent, the Concierge will send you an alert with all of the qualifying and follow-up information. If you have Live Transfer enabled, they will attempt to connect the lead to you via Live Transfer. If you does not, the Concierge will send a Needs Appointment alert, and you should reach out to connect with the lead.

If you have added a Calendly link under their profile (Under Settings, My Profile, Edit Profile), the Concierge can set an appointment on their behalf and this alert would come through as “Appointment Set”.

Once an appointment or Live Transfer has been completed, the Lead will then be taken out of the Concierge’s rotation and claimed to the Agent to follow up with.

What other alerts could a Concierge send?

The Concierge could also send a Needs Attention or Update Search Alert. A Needs Attention Alert means the Concierge wants to alert the Agent of something that occurred in the conversation. They have not yet been fully qualified but could have mentioned a specific property or some agent action is required.

Update Search Alert indicates the lead has not agreed to speak with an Agent, but has shared home criteria, and would like to receive listing emails based on that criteria. The Concierges will always strive to fully qualify the lead and secure an appointment.

Needs Attention Alert: The Concierge wants to alert you of something that occurred in the conversation. They have not yet been fully qualified but could have mentioned a specific property or some agent action is required.

Needs e-Alert: Indicates the lead has not agreed to speak with an agent, but has shared home criteria, and would like to receive listing emails based on that criteria.

Notify Agent: This will be used when the team needs to communicate something to you that is not lead-specific. This could be clarifying their notes, or updating their settings.

What should I do once an alert from the concierges has been received?

When a Needs Appointment or an Appointment Set has been sent over by the concierge, it will remove the lead from the Concierge’s worklist and ‘claim’ to you as the agent. This indicates that the lead is qualified and is ready for you to follow up on the conversation and begin your working relationship. At this point, the concierge has taken the conversation as far as they can and the lead is ready to speak with a local expert regarding their real estate journey.

Typically an appointment will be presented as an introductory follow-up phone call between you and the lead. From that call, you can determine your next steps with the lead.

How does Live Transfer work?

This is controlled by the Admin within the Success Assurance Settings, under ‘Manage Agents’. If a fully qualified lead agrees to speak with an agent, the Concierge will initially attempt to connect them at the moment via Live Transfer.

The lead is placed on hold and your selected Live Transfer number is called. The number you will see is (843) 806-0174 and all Live Transfer calls from the Concierge to you will have the caller ID displayed as “SA Concierge.” The Concierge will provide a brief summary of the call and confirms that you would like to speak to the lead. If yes, the Concierge connects you and the lead together, adds a brief introduction, and drops off the call.

If you do not answer the attempted Live Transfer, a note is added to the lead profile stating Missed Live Transfer. The Concierge will also let the lead know that their agent was unavailable at that time, and they will continue to gather appointment information and send over a summary of the conversation through a ‘Needs Appointment’ alert.

If the transfer was successful, there is a note stating Successful Live Transfer. After a Successful Live Transfer, the Concierge will send an alert with a summary of their conversation with the lead.

Can I speak directly to the Concierge Team?

For any questions you may have for the Concierge Team, please reach out to Customer Support via the blue chat bubble to the right or by emailing!

Are Concierge messages compliant with opt-out requirements?

Yes. Opt-out language is automatically appended to every 5 texts or every 15 days, whichever comes first. If a lead opts out of communication, the Concierge automatically turns off and you are notified.

How can I tell if the Concierge is on and working?

When viewing leads from the Smart CRM, there is a column titled 'Concierge'. Beneath that will be bells of varying colors.

Blue Bell: Indicates that the lead is actively being communicated with by the Concierge. Gray Bell: Indicates that the Concierge is off, or the lead was not touched by the Concierge.

Red Bell: Indicates that an alert was sent to you from the Concierge, and action is required.

Purple Bell: Indicates that an Update Search alert was sent, and green indicates a Successful Live Transfer.

Black Bell: The lead has been Disqualified by the Concierge.

You have the ability to remove the banner after action has been taken. Closing the banner will update the status and change the color of the bell.

If viewing a lead profile, a banner runs across the top with details on Concierge status. The color of the banner corresponds to the bells in the Smart CRM. There is also a toggle on the upper right side of the page indicating whether the Concierge is on or off.

How can I turn off the Concierge for a specific lead?

While viewing a lead profile, in the upper right corner there is a toggle indication whether the Concierge is on or off. You can manually turn the Concierge off from this location. It can be done via desktop or mobile.

Does the Concierge update any information on the lead profile?

Concierge notes, texts, and calls are updated in the lead profile timeline. Answers to qualification questions are updated and reflected in the left panel sidebar. These qualification questions include timeline, pre-approval, home to sell, and if they are working with an agent.

From your Smart CRM, you will be able to track activity in the Latest Communication column as well. You will see notes such as "4 hours ago text sent" or "3 days ago call sent." You can also track how many calls, emails and texts have been made to each contact.

What can I do from the BoldTrail App?

You can view timeline notes and see calls, texts, and alert notifications in the timeline. The banners are responsive (able to be removed) and you can toggle the Concierge off. At this time, there are no push notifications.

From your SMART CRM you will also be able to view the latest communication notes from the Success Assurance concierge team.

What leads get sent to the Concierge? What leads do not?

Any lead source that is enabled under Success Assurance Settings > Lead Sources will automatically be sent to the Concierge. As new leads with new sources get created in your account, the list of available lead sources will dynamically expand. Agents must be active with the Concierge in order for their leads to be worked.

Leads that will not be automatically added to the Concierge include those that are bulk imported, manually added, and leads that come into the CRM through an API middleware integration (Zapier, RealSync, etc.)

For more information on enabling or disabling Lead Sources, please refer to the Success Assurance Configuration Guide.

How does the Pause toggle work in the Concierge settings?

If you are concerned about surpassing your capacity or simply want to pause sending new leads to the Concierge, you can Pause new leads from going to the Concierge.

You will be notified when you are at 85% and 100% of package capacity. If the toggle is left Paused, it will automatically reset at the beginning of your next billing cycle. This toggle only pauses new leads from being sent to the Concierge. Existing leads will continue to be worked.

How will you know how many leads have already been worked by the Concierge?

You will currently receive a weekly email with a summary breakdown of the statistics.

How do Concierge Campaigns work?

Concierge Campaigns are similar to Smart Campaigns. They have timed out messages that are automatically sent from the Concierge. The content in these campaigns is meant to elicit a response from the lead so that a live Concierge can jump in and begin qualifying. If there is a 2-way conversation, a US-based Concierge will always respond. Should a lead respond a few times, then go quiet, the Concierge Campaign will pick up where it left off in the 365-day-long timeline of messages.

Does everyone on the same BoldTrail brokerage have the same Concierge number?

There will be 1 Concierge number per Office under a Company Package. If agents are in separate Offices under the same Company, they will have different phone numbers.

  • One Concierge number per Package. e.g.

    • 1 Concierge Number per Office in a Company or Office Package

    • 1 Concierge Number per Agent in an Agent Package

How do confirmed timelines impact Concierge communication?

When a Concierge confirms a timeline with the lead they are engaging with, and the conversation does not ultimately end in an appointment, the timeline will pause additional outreach efforts from the Concierge based on the lead's timeline.

  • 1-3 months = pause 7 days

  • 3-6 months = pause 14 days

  • 6-12 months = pause 60 days

  • 12+ or Undecided = pause 90 days

How does transferring the lead between agents work?

  • If the receiving Agent doesn’t have the Concierge activated, the Concierge will be turned off for the Lead.

  • If the receiving Agent has the Concierge in the same Success Assurance package, the Lead will be transferred in BoldTrail and the Concierge will continue to qualify the Lead.

Can I text my leads without impeding the Concierge?

Yes, but keep in mind that the Concierge isn't able to view that correspondence.

If you are actively engaging with a lead while the concierge is turned on there could be additional conflicting or repetitive messages being sent from the concierge at the same time. If you would like to take over the conversation, we recommend turning the concierge off in BoldTrail to claim that lead.

Smart Campaigns will not be added automatically to leads that have the Concierge turned ON. This prevents confusion on the lead's end when multiple automated messages are received during the Concierge's regular follow-up process.

Leads who are in Concierge OFF status will still be automatically added to Smart Campaigns. Additionally, Smart Campaigns may still be added manually to contacts even if they are in Concierge ON status.

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