When determining which types of listings to display on your website, you may notice the occasional duplicate listing if you are a member of two or more multi-listing services. This geographical overlap can present a challenge when displaying listings on your website, causing confusion and impacting your website's credibility.
IMPORTANT: The feature discussed in this article may not be enabled for your BoldTrail account.
Broker/Owners: Have questions? Reach out to your Account Manager for assistance!
To mitigate these issues and better organize your listings as they appear on your website, you will want to enable the MLS Deduplication Feature, which can be found under Web & IDX > Listings.
MLS Deduplication
When enabled, the MLS Deduplication setting will remove duplicate listings based on priority. For example, if there are duplicate listings in two MLS's, then the listing associated with the lower priority MLS will not show on your website.
When this setting is enabled, all MLS's you are currently participating in will be added to the list. You will then need to click the up or down arrows to change the priority. This will determine which of your duplicate MLS listings will take precedence on your website.
This setting does not affect Wordpress sites, but will apply to BoldTrail websites.
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