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[Marketplace] PropertyBoost Overview
[Marketplace] PropertyBoost Overview

Learn more about what PropertyBoost can do for your purchase.

Updated over a week ago


If you are looking to increase your value as a listing Agent to potential and current Sellers, PropertyBoost is a fantastic addition to your listing presentation repertoire.

It offers an easy way to market new listings on Facebook, keep your Seller Clients up to date with your marketing efforts for their property, and increase your chances of winning new listings.

PropertyBoost automatically generates a targeted Facebook ad campaign for each boosted listing to get maximum exposure. This helps impress Sellers, generate demand in that first critical week when the listing hits the market, and ultimately sell listings faster.

We will automatically generate traffic reports and send an email to both you and your Seller Client, streamlining your communication process and ensuring your Seller is aware of their property's marketing results.

Ready to get started?

Getting Started

Once you've logged into your account, you'll be able to purchase a Property Boost from a few different locations in the system.


From the Dashboard, select Boost your most powerful assets from the Objectives menu.

My Listings

Select Listings on the left-hand menu. Select the properties you'd like to boost and click on Boost Property.

Specific Listings

From your Listings tab, open the details of any listing and select Boost Property.


Navigate to your Marketplace tab on the left-hand menu. Scroll down until you see the PropertyBoost tile and click Boost Now.


Once you've begun the checkout process using one of the options above, you can get started customizing your Boost by clicking Get Started.

Choose a listing to boost using the property address or an MLS ID.

Once you have selected a listing, the ad preview will update to reflect your chosen property.

Next, select your ad template. The following ad templates are currently available:

  • Listing

  • Open House

  • Price Reduced

  • Sold

If you selected the Open House template, you'll be able to set the date and time for the open house in the next step.

In the next step, select your desired ad package.

Next, enter your payment details and any available promo codes. If you have card information previously saved, you can click on Use a saved card to complete your purchase.

Once your payment has finished processing, you'll be able to start configuring your Property Boost by clicking on Configure Boost.

You'll be asked if you would like to continue with making changes to the ad configuration, or run it as-is. Click Continue if you need to make any changes.


You can make any necessary changes to your ad before it goes live. On the first page, you can change the property, the images, your template, and whether or not you would like to display pricing. The ad preview will display at the far right.

Next, choose your desired compliance text, along with the website users should be directed to after clicking on your ad.

If you have open house dates to add, you can include them in the next step.

Next, select your targeting areas.

In the next step, you can choose to send any seller leads automated reports of listing visits and social media shares, if necessary.

Once you've finished your configurations, click Complete. You may either set up another Property Boost, or return to the dashboard.

After selecting your desired listing and walking through the steps to boost it, a Facebook ad will be generated within 24 hours and marketed to Facebook users within a 15-mile radius of the property.

Once someone clicks on the ad they will be asked to submit their contact information, which is prepopulated from their Facebook account, in order to learn more about the listing.

After they submit their information they will be taken straight to your BoldTrail website and shown that listing's details page. That New Lead will then appear in your BoldTrail Smart CRM, in your daily PropertyBoost notifications, and on your PropertyBoost dashboard.

Pricing Tiers

Did you know that now the more you purchase, the more you save with our discounted pricing tiers? We want to reward you for putting your best asset - your listings - to work through advertising. So, keep boosting and receive discounts as you purchase your 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th boosts.

1st Boost Pricing

2nd Boost Pricing

3rd Boost Pricing

4th Boost Pricing

Want more savings? Check out our Automated PropertyBoost for the lowest per boost pricing. You will see your specific tiered pricing as you reach checkout.

PropertyBoost Dashboard

Your PropertyBoost dashboard will show you all the currently running ads as well as past ads for previously boosted listings along with impressions, clicks, shares, and leads for each ad.

To access your PropertyBoost dashboard, simply click into the PropertyBoost tab from your Marketplace.

You can quickly edit the add (including Seller info) by clicking the 'Edit Ad' link.

Please Note: You will not see a newly boosted listing's ad immediately appear on your PropertyBoost dashboard since it can take up to 24 hours for the ad to propagate, but all New Leads generated by your Active ads will appear the moment they submit their information. Analytics and impressions for newly boosted ads will be available to view on the Dashboard within 24-48 hours of creation.

Seller Client Notifications

When you boost a listing, you have the choice to add in the client's contact information so they can receive daily emails containing the stats for their property.

This is an easy, automatic way to keep them informed of your marketing efforts for their listing and show them the number of impressions, clicks, New Leads, and shares on Facebook that their property generated.

You will also receive a daily email with the same data for each of your boosted listings so you can access these on the go along with your PropertyBoost dashboard.

A final summary email will be sent to you for each boosted listing whose ad is ending so can decide whether to re-boost it or not.

If you have chosen to add your Seller Client's information to their listing's PropertyBoost, they will receive their own version of the final summary email as well.

PropertyBoost Leads

Each lead generated by a PropertyBoost ad will have two hashtags automatically applied to their contact record in your Smart CRM for easy filtering: #propertyboost and #pb[first 15 address characters] which looks something like #pb2317MerganzerRo, where the '2317MerganzerRo' is the first 15 characters of "2317 Merganzer Road".

Having a general #propertyboost label enables you to send out general Buyer-specific communications, like a newsletter blast directed towards Internet Buyer leads, while having a property-specific hashtag allows you to send out updates about a particular listing to just those who showed interest, like an Open House announcement.

BoldTrail's default Smart Campaigns list includes a campaign that you can enable specifically for these PropertyBoost leads titled "Property Boost & Facebook Ads Campaign". This campaign contains just three touches: an automatic text message, a scheduled call assigned to you for following up with the New Lead, and a task assigned to you for setting up search alerts based on the listing's details.

If desired, you can edit this Smart Campaign to include more automated communications on your behalf and/or to schedule further calls or tasks for yourself to continue that nurturing.

How to Boost a Listing

Boost Types

  • Listing - normal listing ad with call to action.

  • Open House - includes event info with call to action.

  • Price Reduced - title announces price drop with call to action.

  • Sold - shows sold property with call to action.

Note: If you select an Open House boost, the Open House date must be 3 or more days from the time of purchase.

Ad Preview & Boost Plan

  • Display Price - Turn this option on to display the price for the property in the ad copy.

  • Display Image Overlay - Select a banner or image to draw attention to or add information to your ad. Available overlays vary by boost type.

  • Destination Website - The BoldTrail website you would like the ad to send leads to. The entity associated with the website will become the owner of these leads, so if it's an Agent subdomain the Agent would receive the leads. If it's an Office subdomain, the Office would rotate the leads according to any applicable Lead Routing Rules.

  • Targeting - Your ad will automatically be shown to all Facebook users within a 15-mile radius of the property's address. You can change the targeting to areas outside of the listing address by adding a zip code or using the map. You may select up to 2 target areas.

  • Compliance Text - Make sure to add any compliance verbiage that may be required by your state, MLS, and/or brokerage! You are solely responsible for ensuring this information is displayed on your listing's ad.

  • Add Seller Information - When you boost a listing, you have the choice to add the client's contact information so they can receive daily emails containing the stats for their property.

Ad Image

By default, the first picture that was uploaded to the MLS is used as the ad's image. If you would like to use a different listing image simply click on the blue 'Select New Image' link underneath the default image to choose from all of the MLS pictures for that property. You may use up to 5 images to display.

Once you select your desired image, click the green "Use Selected Images" button at the bottom of the list and the ad preview will refresh with the new picture.

You can add a 'Just Listed', 'Just Sold', 'Open House', or 'New Price' banner using the 'Display Image Overlay' toggle.

The available banners will depend on the ad type selected.

Choosing the Length of Your PropertyBoost Ad

After setting up the ad you will need to choose a pricing plan that fits your marketing budget. You can select from 3-day, 7-day, or 21-day ads. However, it's encouraged to use the 4-week PropertyBoost LifeCycle Ad which will automatically update as your listing changes.

PropertyBoost LifeCycle Ad

Automatically market all stages of your listing's life cycle. The revolutionary LifeCycle ad:

  • Runs for 4 weeks, updated as your listing changes

  • Will be seen up to 8000 times

  • Add 40-50 contacts to your database.

LifeCycle ads update as your listing updates in the MLS. From Just Listed, Open Houses, and even Sold, this ad will cover you for every update.

PropertyBoost Terms

Please Note: By purchasing PropertyBoost for any length, you are agreeing to the terms of use notated at the bottom of the pricing plan list:

"In order to boost this property, you must be the listing agent or have permission from the listing agent to do so. Using property boost is the sole responsibility of the agent. The brokerage will not be held responsible for misuse or failure to comply with permission requirements. Ads take 24 hours to go live. If you are a lender, please do not boost the listing; your leads will be routed to your company and not assigned to you. If the listing becomes Pending/Under Contract/Sold during the duration of the boost, no refund will be issued for the time used and/or remaining. Any time remaining cannot be transferred to a new listing."

Automated PropertyBoost

From your Marketing dashboard you may sign up for PropertyBoost automation using the 'Automated PropertyBoost' tile.

During the sign-up process, you'll select your monthly budget, display price, and optional compliance text.

Finally, select your plan and input your payment method.

PropertyBoost FAQ

What is PropertyBoost? 

PropertyBoost is one of the easiest ways to get exposure for your listings and generate affordable leads from them.

PropertyBoost automatically creates a Facebook "Lead Generation Objective" Ad that is shown to Facebook users who live within 15 miles of your listing. It then collects the name, email, and phone number that Facebook has on file for any user who opts-in for more information via that listing ad.

What does a PropertyBoost ad look like? 

There are four different versions of the ad, but they will all look similar to one another.

The title will change depending on the boosting type you choose when boosting a listing. For instance, if you select Open House as the boosting type additional information will be displayed for the event and the ad will reflect that the property has an open house scheduled.

What would my cost per lead and return on investment look like?

Lead counts will vary by listing and location, and Inside Real Estate cannot guarantee the quantity or quality of the leads, but you can estimate your cost per lead around $4-$9.  

Want more details on how PropertyBoost's ROI breaks down? Click here for more information!

If the listing goes off market during the boosted timeframe can I cancel the ad or receive a refund for the time it isn't Active?

No. If the listing goes off-market for any reason you will not be able to receive a refund.

Check out the LifeCycle PropertyBoost to market your listing through all steps of the listing lifecycle! Never lose an opportunity for visibility again by keeping your ads running longer.

What is the LifeCycle PropertyBoost?

The LifeCycle PropertyBoost ad will run for 4 weeks and update as your listing updates in the MLS. From Just Listed, Open Houses, and even Sold, this ad will cover you for every update!

If I don't have an Active listing can I boost another Agent's listing instead?

Technically yes, but it depends. PropertyBoost will allow you to boost any Active listing in your MLS and Inside Real Estate is not responsible for any fees or penalties incurred due to improper boosting.

You will need to check your brokerage's policy regarding rules on marketing other Agents' properties. Your MLS board will also have regulations on this topic and it is your responsibility to stay within all applicable guidelines.

You may only boost other listings with proper permission and only within the context of your brokerage's and MLS board's rules and policies. Because rules vary widely, it is strongly recommended you reach out your Broker and/or MLS to confirm if you are unsure.

Can I set up PropertyBoost to automatically boost every listing I get?

Yes and no. Individual Agents cannot set up PropertyBoost to boost every listing they win, but an Office or Company Admin can subscribe to an Enterprise version of PropertyBoost that will automatically boost all listings won by the Agents in the Office or Brokerage.

To learn more about Enterprise PropertyBoost, click here!

Why is PropertyBoost better than a regular Facebook boost?

PropertyBoost uses a "Lead Generation Objective" ad to collect valid contact information from the Facebook user's profile.

Regular Facebook boosts can only send traffic to the listing's property details page on your website or Legacy ListingMachine property tour site and will not collect information beforehand.

The ad through PropertyBoost will direct users back to the property's details page on your website or your property tour site after first capturing the lead's contact information and adding it to your database.

Can I set the targeting for my PropertyBoost ad? 

Yes and no. You cannot choose a target demographic, but you do have the opportunity to change the target city on the purchase page.

Facebook's algorithm does a great job of finding people who might be interested in your listing and who will click on your ad. However, if you'd like to choose your targeting area you may! You can select up to 2 areas between 15-100 miles.

Please Note: Due to restrictions set by Facebook an area may not be less than 15 miles.

Can I Boost the same listing in two cities?

Yes! To update and add a targeting area select 'Change Targeting'. Click '+Add Target Area' and select the circle from the 'Center on:' section. Move the circle or change the area as you desire.

I want the listing price to display on the ad so it's clear for Buyers. Can I do that?

Absolutely! To show the price on a Property Boost ad toggle on 'Display Price' when purchasing your ad.

I've boosted my listing but now I want to make changes. Is that possible?

Definitely. After boosting you still have the option to make updates to the target area, image, image overlay, and whether the price displays on the ad. To make edits, go to your PropertyBoost dashboard and select 'Edit Ad' on the boost tile.

Is the PropertyBoost ad run through my Facebook Business page?

Inside Real Estate will create and manage a Facebook page on your behalf through an in-house Facebook account and will send all generated leads straight to your Smart CRM.

As of March 2024, the ability to link a personal Facebook business page is no longer available. If you currently have page-linking enabled, it will be accessible on your Property Boost dashboard. However, if you wish to stop running ads and page-linking is removed by the system, then it will no longer be accessible on the Property Boost dashboard.

Will changes to the property's details in the MLS update the ad?

Yes! If you boost a listing and then have to make changes, like a price reduction, the ad will update with the new information within 24 hours.

How soon does my PropertyBoost go live?

PropertyBoost ads can take up to 24 hours to go live and you will receive a confirmation email once it is published on Facebook.

How should I nurture PropertyBoost leads? 

There are a few assumptions you can make about the leads generated from a PropertyBoost ad that are helpful when planning your conversion tactics:

  1. They either own a home or are renting one in that area. 

  2. They aren't necessarily "ready, willing, and able" yet. 

  3. Even though they might not be ready to make a move now, most of your leads will eventually buy or sell a house. 

  4. Your follow-up plan should be focused on starting a conversation about what kind of real estate plans they have, not what kind of plans you would like them to have. 

Keeping these things in mind will help set the stage for successful lead nurturing. 

This is awesome! Can I build my entire real estate practice around PropertyBoost? 

Yes! You can fuel a very healthy real estate business using just PropertyBoost alone. 

Here is how that might look for you: 

  • Do a LifeCycle boost on every listing you win.

  • Follow up with the leads generated following the best practices above, which involves letting the automation in BoldTrail do a lot of the heavy lifting.

  • Extend and re-boost listings that really resonate with your market and generate a lot of leads to scale the winners. 

  • Repeat, repeat, repeat!

TIP: Remember to use PropertyBoost to close more listing appointments and justify price reductions on some of the listings you have so they sell faster. You can easily use the tracked data on your boosts to prove your recommendations!

Can I subscribe so that my new listings are automatically boosted?

Yes! After boosting a listing you can choose to Boost all of your new listings. They will be Boosted for the same timeframe as the original Boost!

Please Note: LifeCycle Boosts are not eligible to be auto-Boosted.

Have more questions? Please reach out to Customer Support via the blue chat bubble to the right or by emailing!

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