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[Marketplace] Enterprise PropertyBoost Overview
[Marketplace] Enterprise PropertyBoost Overview

Learn more about Enterprise PropertyBoost: a one-of-a-kind social media marketing program for listings.

Updated over a week ago


Admins, you can leverage your listings & generate lots of leads for your Agents. Enterprise PropertyBoost offers maximum listing exposure with automated Facebook campaigns. PropertyBoost uses intelligent automation to maximize listing exposure, build brand awareness, and generate qualified leads for every new listing – without creating any more work for you or your agents.

Please Note: Enterprise PropertyBoost is available for purchase by Admins only.

Talk to a Customer Success Manager About Adding Enterprise PropertyBoost to Your Account

*Team or Company Admins Only

How Does It Work?

Purposefully Engineered

  • Use Social Media, Listing Data & AI to achieve top results

  • Drive maximum listing exposure at the most critical time

  • Shorten list-to-offer timelines

  • Use listings to get listings

  • Automatically communicate value to sellers

  • Drive lots of low-cost, higher-intent leads to listing Agents

Put More “Virtual Signs” On the Ground

When a person drives through a neighborhood and sees that 9 out of 10 signs on houses for sale belong to one company, they think “Wow this company has all the listings, we should probably work with them.” That’s the power of PropertyBoost when applied to an entire brokerage! Since PropertyBoost shows each of your listings to tens of thousands of people on Facebook, you get massive brand recognition with all of those “virtual signs in the ground.”

Sell Listings Faster (With Less Expireds)

If each of your Company’s listings is exposed to thousands or even tens of thousands more people in the local market, it stands to reason that some of them will sell faster, just from the exposure. Also, by helping your listing Agents gather and report real data back to their Seller clients, you’re giving them “ammo” to be able to justify more price reductions, which of course will help a higher percentage of your listings sell without expiring and ending up with another brokerage.

Help Your Listing Agents Close More Listing Appointments

Impress your Agents and their Sellers with our one-of-a-kind social media marketing program for listings. Enterprise PropertyBoost uses intelligent automation to maximize listing exposure, build brand awareness, and generate qualified leads for every new listing – without creating any more work for you or your agents. By giving so much visibility to every one of your listings, potential Sellers will notice, and your listing Agents will have an advantage when they go head-to-head in listing presentations.

Help Your Business Thrive

Enjoy the benefits of happy Agents, happy Sellers, and the most affordable social marketing tool on the market. Enterprise PropertyBoost’s fast deployment leads to maximum visibility, higher demand, massive brand exposure, and more leads – which ultimately means more listings.

How to Purchase Enterprise PropertyBoost

Please Note: To purchase Enterprise PropertyBoost you must have a minimum of 5 listings per month in order to qualify for this feature.

To purchase Enterprise Property Boost first go to your Marketplace from the main navigation on the left-hand side. Then find the Enterprise Property Boost tile. Click 'Learn More'.

Click the blue 'Add to BoldTrail' button from the top right of the pop-up.

Fill out the form with your contact details and the number of listings you'd like Enterprise PropertyBoost to Boost each month. After submitting your form a Customer Success Manager will reach out to you with information.

Have more questions? Please reach out to Customer Support via the blue chat bubble to the right or by emailing!

(Keywords: pb, propertyboost, property boost, enterprise propertyboost)

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