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[Marketplace] Leads 360 Seller Overview
[Marketplace] Leads 360 Seller Overview

Target home sellers with interest-based ad targeting!

Updated over a week ago

Leads 360 Seller is an all-in-one solution that combines Managed Google Seller Advertising, Growth Strategies and Success Assurance in a 360° approach to achieving success with your marketing efforts.

Experience the advantages of deploying a comprehensive seller leads strategy. Start with Google Ads that target seller leads as they go about their daily activities. Live concierge support engages and qualifies new leads in your pipeline. Your managed Google advertising campaign ensures your ads hit the right audience at the right time, capturing attention and providing you with their contact information and address.

The full Leads 360 Seller bundle includes:

Managed Google Seller Advertising

A managed Google advertising campaign ensures your ads hit the right audience at the right time through YouTube, YouTube Shorts, Gmail, and the Google Discover feed of interest based content, capturing attention, providing the consumer a home value estimate and providing you with their contact information and address.

Success Assurance

Our team is committed to the continuous qualification and nurturing of leads, adding a personalized element to your lead generation efforts.

Growth Marketing Services

Allow our team of growth marketers (including digital strategy experts), to partner with you to accomplish your lead generation goals for your business.

How it Works


First, you will receive support from our Growth Strategy team to set up your Google advertising in your targeted areas.


Next, our Success Assurance team will extend your reach with a US-based, live concierge service that qualifies and nurtures your leads into conversation-ready leads.


Finally, the Growth Services team will optimize your ads throughout the year. They will manage and continue to optimize your search marketing campaigns to drive additional leads.

How to Purchase Leads 360 Seller

Leads 360 Seller is available by scheduling a consultation with our Sales team!

As Success Assurance will be included as part of your Leads 360 Seller, you can review our configuration guide to further customize your Concierge service!

If you have any questions regarding Leads 360 Seller or need further assistance, please reach out to Customer Support via the blue chat bubble to the right or by emailing!

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