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[BoldTrail] Special Features For Buyers & Sellers On Your Website
[BoldTrail] Special Features For Buyers & Sellers On Your Website
Updated over 3 months ago


The visitors to your BoldTrail website can access a few key features to make their experience on your site the best it can be. Some features on your site they can use for searching homes, connecting with you, learning about the market, or countless other tools.

Website Features:

  • Areas We Cover (Area Pages)

  • Seller Valuations

  • Free Market Report

  • Blogs, Testimonials, Recruitment, Special Listings/My Listings

  • Resources & Custom Menu Items

Logged In Features

These features are shown after a visitor to your BoldTrail website has 'registered' or 'logged in.' Typically, when someone attempts to view information on your site regarding a listing, your website will prompt them to enter or connect their contact information.

This is one of the most important functions of your website, and probably the most necessary feature of your website, as it's the only way that you can grow your sphere or lead database through marketing.

Typically, when your contacts click on the links you might send them, they will be automatically logged in. 

To learn more about your website registration settings click here.

Buyer Features

Saved Listings

As your registered users (a.k.a. contacts) view properties on your site, they'll see the option to 'save' or 'favorite' them. 

Whenever this happens you get notified in BoldTrail and the event is recorded in activity as well as in their lead timeline.

They can access their saved properties and keep notes on them at the top of your BoldTrail website, by clicking on 'Saved Properties.'

Saved Searches

A saved search references the Search Alerts feature. This is a tool that will automatically email properties to your contact that they may be interested in. It's another extremely important part of the incubation process of your sphere, to convert leads and acquaintances into clients.

Since your contacts will be getting emailed automatically, you might let them know or show them that they can change their saved search settings by clicking on their name at the top of your BoldTrail website.

There is a very simple control panel that has a few functions:

  • Delete buttons to remove searches.

  • Details of the search. If they click on a search name, they will be taken to the search page that has their criteria entered. They can edit the criteria on the page, and then click 'Save Search.'

  • 'Stop Listing Alerts' - This will unsubscribe them from search alerts, but they will still get other emails from you automatically.

  • 'Totally Unsubscribe' - This will unsubscribe them from ALL automated communication sent on your behalf.

  • Log Out - This will sign them out of your BoldTrail website.

Alerts Shortcut

At the top left of your BoldTrail site, your contact can view their current search that they are subscribed to via the Search Alerts feature, by clicking on 'Alerts'.

This will simply load their criteria into a search page, with the properties sorted by 'Days On Website.' (Showing the most recent listings first.) This will match the properties sent to their email recently, provided those properties are still active in the MLS.

Areas We Cover (Area Pages)

Areas We Cover is a section near the bottom of the homepage of your website.

Each area page will display information amalgamated from the MLS, and also includes information that you can write yourself.

To learn more about setting the Areas We Cover section click here.

It's a great resource that you can leverage to add area-specific information/resources to for your website visitors and contacts.

Seller Features

Sell Page

Your Sell page can be found from the main navigation on your BoldTrail site. Although contacts may navigate to your Sell page organically it's helpful to use tools such as smart campaigns or landing pages to drive leads there!

Smart Campaigns

While smart campaigns can be utilized for ALL contacts no matter their contact type there is a great use to attempt to convert your Buyers! For your existing Buyers, you should always prompt that if they own a home they should check the valuation, usually as part of a smart campaign.

For more information on smart campaigns click here.

Landing Pages

For many advertisements, you can link directly to the Sell page via landing pages. Creative landing pages can be pretty successful when advertised well. How we approach it in terms of getting them to engage with you would be to offer an automated valuation. This valuation is a critical capture device that you will follow up on. Of course, because it's automated, you'll want to open by asking them if they thought the value the site gave was higher or lower than they thought. In either case, the answer lies in the data that the site can access.

To learn more about landing pages click here.

Free Market Report

The Free Market Report can be added manually by you, or your contacts can subscribe to them via your website. For your contacts to sign up for it themselves, they have to access a search page. In the search criteria section, the link to sign up for a report will be visible.

Blogs, Testimonials, Recruitment, Special Listings/My Listings

Blogs, testimonials, recruitment, special listings, and your personal listings are accessible from the 'My Agent' or 'Agents' menu in the main navigation of your BoldTrail website.

Resources & Custom Menu Items

The resources menu is where your clients can view your custom-built pages. Custom pages can be created for almost any purpose! If you want to host important information for special programs or offers and incentives you are running, you definitely can. The best piece of advice is to double-check that what you are putting in a custom page does not already exist as a feature in BoldTrail, since using the built-in feature will be much easier to integrate.

Additionally, instead of having people navigate through the resources page, you can pin your custom pages or create your own menus yourself adjacent to the resources menu, by creating your own custom navigation options.

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