The Web & IDX tab in BoldTrail is organized into different sections that each contain settings you may wish to use when fine-tuning your website. It also contains a button that takes you straight to your BoldTrail website's settings list.
Please Note: Depending on the account you are a part of and what user role you have (Agent vs. Admin) you may not see all of the below settings. This is to be expected and does not indicate a technical issue with your account.
TIP: When editing the site there may be a delay in your changes, to make sure that the change takes place you can flush the site cache, to do this just add this text " ?FLUSH_CACHE=1 " to the end of your URL reset the site and then you change will display.
Accessing Your Website Settings
Select Web & IDX from the main navigation. This will take you directly to your website settings.
You can then choose which section of your website settings list you would like to jump to from the navigation menu to the left.
Please Note: When you update a setting you MUST click the blue 'Save' button right underneath (if one is present) otherwise your new update will NOT be saved or go into effect.
General Section
The Hero, Champion, Victor, or Warrior templates are recommended.
To learn more, click here.
Preview templates using the View button.
Template Color
Your template theme will default to the color your Admin has chosen for the Company and Office websites, but you can select another option to change the color on just your website by clicking on the color from the drop-down and then clicking the blue Save button.
After you click on 'Custom' from the drop-down list a color-picker tool will appear. This allows you to use a HEX color code, the RGB color spaces, or the HSL color degrees for the exact color you would like to use on your BoldTrail website.
Once you are satisfied with your color choice, click the blue "Save" button under the color picker and it will be applied automatically.
Background Images
Choosing From Default Images
Scroll down a bit to the Background Images section. Here you can select some of the default images to rotate through on your website. This gives your clients variety when viewing your website.
To select the images you want to use click the checkbox to the left of the photo. Once you're satisfied with your choices click 'Save'.
When you choose more than one image at a time, they will be chosen randomly each time your homepage is loaded.
Custom Background Images
A custom background image may be used on your BoldTrail site, but there are a few tips that you can follow to make this process a little easier.
Make sure your image is 1600px wide by 650px tall, at least.
Try to make sure that your background image is as small as possible, in terms of the amount of space it takes up (try and keep images less than 1 MB). The reason this is important is that the larger the image size is, the longer it will take to upload, edit, and for website visitors to see. It's possible to optimize the size of your professional images, just ask for versions of them in jpeg format with a website-appropriate image quality setting.
To upload a custom image click on the grey area below the background image selector to upload your image or drag it into the space.
Once added, you will see some controls. Click on the edit icon (center option in the image below) to tweak your image.
In the edit interface, there are a few more controls that will allow you to tweak your image to your liking.
Rotate the image
Click and drag to move the cropped area
Use the drag handles to re-size the cropped area.
Click 'Confirm' when you are satisfied with your edits.
Click 'Cancel' if you prefer to not make any edits.
After your modifications are complete, you'll see the edited image ready to upload. Click the upload icon on the right.
While your image is uploading, wait for the success messages that will show on the left-hand side of the page.
Now your custom image is selectable from the background chooser at the top of the page. Select it and click 'Save'.
When you re-visit your home page, your custom image will be visible.
Secondary Logo
Scroll down past 'Background Image(s)' to see the 'Secondary Logo' setting.
Drag your image or click to upload your secondary logo.
Please Note: The recommended dimensions are 512px wide by 512px high. You will need to resize and/or crop your image into a square format in order for it to look the best.
Once uploaded, you will see three icons that you may use to delete, edit, or upload the image.
Click on the upload icon to add it to your site once you are satisfied with the way it looks. You will see two notifications pop up as BoldTrail uploads and adds the logo.
Go to your website to confirm the logo is appearing correctly.
TIP: Because this logo may be included in notifications to your contacts from BoldTrail, a colored or black logo is recommended so that it does not blend into the white email header.
Hide Our Resources Page from Resources Tab
In the case that you'd like to hide the 'Our Resources' page on your BoldTrail website you can with this setting.
Please Note: All website settings trickle down.
Show Custom Pages Advanced Editor
Hide CORE Home
To learn more about CORE Home, click here!
To learn more about WCAG, click here.
Hide Office Address
Hide Print Flyer Button
Use Limited Listing Labels
The main component of your BoldTrail website is made up of all the listings from your MLS feed(s) to showcase them to potential Buyers, encouraging them to engage with you as their real estate Agent.
One way BoldTrail enhances your Buyers' website experience is by labeling your listings with applicable features that are based on the listing's information as entered by the listing Agent into the MLS.
Listing Labels
A listing label is a featured keyword that displays in the top left of each image for that listing on your website.
These labels are automatically applied by BoldTrail based on the listing's description that the listing agent has added in the MLS as well as some of the features they selected to apply to the listing.
A few examples of the listing labels that can appear are:
Just Listed
Open House
New Construction
Views/Water Views
Waterfront/Water Front
Pets Allowed
Primary on Main
Golf Course
Eco Friendly
Adult 55+
Keep in Mind: The full list of recognized description terms and selected features is quite extensive and the above list is a short sample.
The listing labels that appear on your specific website will differ depending on the MLS feed(s) you have connected, whether or not the listing Agent used a term that BoldTrail recognizes, and if there are specific features selected upon adding it to the MLS.
The 'Open House' label is generated directly from the associated MLS if they pass that information to BoldTrail through the connected IDX feed.
TIP: The 'Amenities' list at the bottom of each listing shows what additional features the listing Agent chose for that listing within the MLS and BoldTrail can recognize some of these terms in order to apply a listing label.
Please Note: Because these labels are auto-generated, there is no way to adjust them manually. The listing Agent would need to update their listing's description or the selected features in order to change the label.
Occasionally, you may expect to see a listing label where it does not appear. This can be due to your MLS not passing that information through the IDX feed your website is connected to.
If you ever want to confirm why a listing label was or was not applied to a specific property, check out the listing's description and additional features.
Limited Listing Labels
In your website settings list you have the ability to completely remove the display of listing labels on your BoldTrail website with the exception of 'Open House' and 'Just Listed'.
TIP: If you choose to use limited listing labels, this selection will not apply to the labels that may have been applied to your manually added listings, like your 'View' selection.
Force Lead Registration
Force Lead Registration is a setting within your website settings used to determine how many properties a potential lead can view before they need to register on your website.
Scroll down to 'Force Lead Registration' and update your settings using the dropdown menu.
Click 'Save'.
There are four options you can select.
Normal - This is the default setting. In order to get the most out of your advertising efforts, we recommend this default setting. It will prompt users to register after they have viewed one property. The normal setting will ensure that you have the highest possible number of leads generated from your advertisements and posts.
Require registration after specified number of property views - This setting will allow you to choose the number of properties the lead views before being asked to register.
Don't ask Website visitors to register - This setting will never ask leads to register. (Not recommended.)
Prompt registration, but do not require visitors to register - This setting will prompt users to register after viewing a specified number of properties. However, if they dismiss the prompt, they can continue to view properties without getting kicked back to the homepage of your BoldTrail website. For every number of specified properties they view, they will be asked again.
Mandate Phone
Ask Name
When you enable this option, a new space will appear on the registration form where users can enter their name. However, this is not required to create an account.
Website Title
The website title is always shown on the website tab after the page has loaded.
Automatically a generic website title will populate using some basic information such as your Company name and location.
After refreshing your website your new website title will be visible from the website tab and will show on your future social media posts.
Website Meta Description
This section adds a description to your website beneath the title when sharing on Google or Facebook.
The system generates a default meta description that uses the format:
Real Estate & Homes For Sale | [Company/Team Name]
The default can be updated to what you desire. From your website settings page, scroll to Homepage Meta Description (beneath Website Title), enter your custom description there, and save it.
This new meta description can be found as the tagline when sharing your link on Google or Facebook.
Ask for Property Unit Number
Adds an input field on the sell page for the unit number of the searched address.
Recruit Text
You can fill in this field with plain text or HTML if you wish. This recruit text will be shown on the We're Hiring page on your website.
Custom Header
The 'Header,' 'Body,' & 'Footer' all reference specific parts of the HTML that make up your BoldTrail website. These fields are intended for you to be able to add scripts for tracking and other back-end functionality to your BoldTrail website.
To learn more about adding scripts, pixels, and more to your site click here.
TIP: It's best if using any of these custom fields to save and review after each addition. If you change too many fields at once and something happens that changes your website in an undesirable way, you might have to delete everything and start over again to find the problem.
Common reasons why code may not work on your site:
Using them for reasons not intended by the code provider
Entering the wrong information
Entering broken markup
The custom header is the HTML header of your website. Typically you would need to place special scripts here, such as the Facebook tracking pixel.
The header section of your website code is never displayed on the webpage itself, but the content in that section is used to provide resources that the browser needs to correctly load the page. This includes style or display information, tracking scripts, and metadata used to display previews and provide search engines with summaries of your content.
If you were to insert something like an image or a paragraph, it would never actually be displayed on the page, or used by anything after the page is loaded.
As such, this section of the website that is available for you to insert content into is typically used for verification pixels and scripts. It's also used for more complex scripts that provide the functionality to something that you might put elsewhere into a custom page or into other editable content that is displayed to website visitors.
Custom Body
The 'Header,' 'Body,' & 'Footer' all reference specific parts of the HTML that make up your BoldTrail website. These fields are intended for you to be able to add scripts for tracking and other back-end functionality to your BoldTrail website.
To learn more about adding scripts, pixels, and more to your site click here.
TIP: It's best if using any of these custom fields to save and review after each addition. If you change too many fields at once and something happens that changes your website in an undesirable way, you might have to delete everything and start over again to find the problem.
Common reasons why code may not work on your site:
Using them for reasons not intended by the code provider
Entering the wrong information
Entering broken markup
The custom body is the HTML Body of your website. This is visible when someone visits your page. Typically you would only use this for adding Google Tag Manager scripts. To customize your sites' homepage, you should follow our website customization guide.
Custom Footer
The 'Header,' 'Body,' & 'Footer' all reference specific parts of the HTML that make up your BoldTrail website. These fields are intended for you to be able to add scripts for tracking and other back-end functionality to your BoldTrail website.
To learn more about adding scripts, pixels, and more to your site click here.
TIP: It's best if using any of these custom fields to save and review after each addition. If you change too many fields at once and something happens that changes your website in an undesirable way, you might have to delete everything and start over again to find the problem.
Common reasons why code may not work on your site:
Using them for reasons not intended by the code provider
Entering the wrong information
Entering broken markup
The custom footer content will be inserted into a specific place at the bottom of your website, known as the "footer."
The footer is actually divided up into several different sections:
These sections all serve different purposes. For example, the MLS disclaimer MUST appear at the bottom of the site. As does the usage policy and privacy policy, etc.
The place where your content will appear is on the upper left side, just below your social media buttons:
Many things can appear in this section. The 'About Me' content from your Agent profile, office address(es), and more. Like the other sections provided in these content settings, it is intended for scripts. However as you can see by the screenshot above, it will render any HTML you enter.
Conversion Code
This is a special usage area, that is triggered after a New Lead is captured on your website. Google conversion codes are typically entered here. This kind of conversion code usage does not rely on the URL to signal a New Lead is captured, but rather when a New Lead is captured, the content in this box is loaded to the page. Different conversion code methods will specify how they should be used. You will want to use the version that runs off of a script, not triggered by a URL change.
Custom Chat Widget
Instead of the standard Facebook Messenger chat widget, you can replace the Facebook Messenger/Chat script that is built into your BoldTrail site with the chat/messenger script that you paste into this section. Some chat program options include Intercom, Olark, or tawk.to. You can also choose to "Hide" the Chat Widget under the Template section in your website settings.
Please Note: You can easily connect to either your personal or business Facebook chat using the 'Facebook Username for Chat' section.
Facebook Username for Chat
Insert the Facebook Username for the Facebook Messenger account that you would like to be connected to the chat function on your BoldTrail website.
Additional Office Address
This fields adds an additional office address to the bottom of the website homepage beneath the main office address.
CCPA Contact Phone
Your CCPA contact phone number if applicable.
For more information on CCPA, click here.
CCPA Contact Email
Your CCPA email address if applicable.
For more information on CCPA, click here.
Language Settings
This setting is not available for all accounts. If you believe your account should have access to language settings please reach out to Support at support@insiderealestate.com
Hide Zillow Testimonials
Toggle this setting on to hide connected Zillow testimonials.
Connect Zillow Reviews
Here, you can add your Zillow screen name or email so that your Zillow testimonials automatically populate on your site.
Please Note: You only need to add either the username or email. If you attempt to add both there may be syncing issues.
To learn more about Zillow testimonials, click here.
Inherit Child Testimonials
This setting is only available to Admins. Inheriting child testimonials for Office, Team or Company websites means that the testimonials added by Agents on their personal pages will also be available for viewing on those sites.
Template Section
Background Video YouTube ID
Please Note: To save bandwidth background videos do not play on mobile sites. You'll want to select a background photo that will display when a user views your mobile site.
On your website settings page, click 'Template' on the left.
From the 'Templates' section you'll want to scroll down to the 'Background Video YouTube ID' field.
Here, you may specify a background YouTube video, that will play behind the header elements, graphics, and search bar on the home page. The YouTube ID comes after the "?v=" in the URL of youtube.com.
For example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLxeyLyvw-0
The ID needed is: tLxeyLyvw-0
Do not include anything before or after the alphanumeric characters. Many times when you are looking at YouTube links they can be quite messy. You only want the portion after v= and before any other characters such as &, #, etc.
For example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLxeyLyvw-0&t=1s
The ID here would be: tLxeyLyvw-0
This replaces the background images you have selected on all desktop versions of your website with the specified video. On mobile sites, the background images are used instead to save your users' bandwidth and keep your mobile site moving quickly.
Please Note: It is a possibility that the video is blurry or slow to start. BoldTrail is unable to buffer the video as it buffered on YouTube. There isn't a way to uniformly change the way the video displays on all operating systems. If you're unhappy with the quality of a certain background video you will want to choose another one to replace it.
Hide Chat Widget
Remove the default 'Chat with us' widget that links to Facebook Messenger by toggling the Hide Chat Widget section on.
Use Full-Width Custom Area
Use Black Color for Header
Change the header from white to black.
Use Primary Color for Header
Change the header from white to the primary color of the template theme you chose.
Hide Office Name on Homepage
The only option you have for your Office address (controlled by your Office Admin) is to show or hide it from your contact page completely. If toggled on, both the office address and map will be hidden from the contact page on your website.
Use Square Agent Cover Image
Change the Agent Profile image from a circle to a square.
Hide Agent Cover Image
Remove your Agent Profile image from your website homepage entirely.
Use Dark Background Image
Large Background Image
Custom Navigation Section
Custom Pages Links
Show custom pages in the top level navigation.
To learn more about custom pages, click here!
Search Label
Update the label of your 'Search' page. This links to the /index.php?rtype=grid search page.
Sell Label
Update the label of your 'Sell' page. Links to /sell.php.
To learn more about your 'Sell' page, click here.
Finance Label
Update the label of your 'Finance' page. Links to /finance.php.
To learn more about the 'Finance' page, click here.
Resources Tab
Update the label of your 'Resources' menu.
Agents Label
Update the label of the 'Agents' tab. The 'Agents' tab links to the Agent Roster or Agent Profile page.
For more information about the 'Agent Profile' page, click here.
Hiring Label
Update the label of the 'We're Hiring' tab. Shows in the 'Agents' menu, links to /recruit.php
Hiring Link
Update the 'Hiring' link to a custom URL
Please Note: You'll need to leave '/recruit.php/' and can add what you like after the slash.
Hide Resources Tab from Navigation Bar
In the case that you'd like to hide the Resources page on your BoldTrail website you absolutely can! It specifically hides the resources tab from the main navigation at the top of a BoldTrail website.
When you add custom pages to your BoldTrail website, they are added to a kind of master directory of custom pages called 'Resources'.
Depending on your website customization ideas, or branding, you may not want to show the resources tab at all. Toggling this setting on will remove it from your website. Your custom pages will still be accessible as direct links. The custom pages or navigation items that you added will remain as well.
Hide Finance Tab
Use this setting to hide the 'Finance' tab from your website navigation.
Hide We're Hiring Page from Your Agent Tab
This setting hides the "We’re Hiring" link in the "Your Agent" tab of the navigation bar
Listing Carousels Section
Your BoldTrail website is designed to be consumers' one-stop-shop for all listings in the area(s) they are looking at. The listing carousels that are featured on the front page showcase the specific types or locations of listings that you would like to bring immediate attention to.
For instance, if you would like to feature properties whose price was recently lowered, you can feature listings under a Just Reduced carousel that fit that circumstance. Or you could set one of the carousels to show listings in a particular city or neighborhood to generate more leads interested in an area that you work in regularly.
Due to MLS restrictions, certain listing carousels (such as Just Listed and Just Reduced) may not be available for display on your website.
Choosing Your Listing Carousels
Just Listed, Just Reduced, and Open Houses
My Listings and Sold
Area-Specific Listings
When you click on the 'Area' option for a carousel, you will notice a second field where you can select your desired location from the drop-down that appears.
TIP: If you do not see a drop-down list or if the list does not contain the Area you would like to choose, you can adjust the list of Areas in the Web & IDX> Site Content tab.
For more information on Service Areas, click here.
Analytics Section
Google Analytics ID
Add a Google Analytics ID here to begin tracking on your website.
Google Analytics is a platform that collects data from your websites and apps to create reports that provide insights into your business. If this is your first time working with Google Analytics, you will want to start by reviewing Google's Introduction to Analytics article!
Please Note: You do not need to add the Google Analytics script to your header, just enter your ID into this field.
IMPORTANT: Please ensure you're using GA 4.
What is Google Analytics 4?
GA4 is a new kind of property designed for the future of measurement:
Collects both website and app data to better understand the customer journey
Uses event-based data instead of session-based
Includes privacy controls such as cookieless measurement, and behavioral and conversion modeling
Predictive capabilities offer guidance without complex models
Direct integrations to media platforms help drive actions on your website or app
What do I need to do in BoldTrail?
Make sure you're using Google Analytics 4 if you want to continue to collect data
Update your Google Analytics measurement ID within BoldTrail
Locate the "Measurement ID" under the "Data Streams" section, which looks like "G-XXXXXXXXXX".
What happens if I don't update my ID?
On July 1, 2023, standard Universal Analytics properties will no longer process data. You'll be able to see your Universal Analytics reports for a period of time after July 1, 2023. However, new data will only flow into Google Analytics 4 properties. Learn more here.
How do I know if I'm using GA 4?
If you are using Universal Analytics, you'll see a blue notification at the top that says "Universal Analytics will no longer process new data in standard properties beginning July 1, 2023." (However, if you previously dismissed this notification, it will not display.)
You can also look at your property ID to see whether you are using Universal Analytics or Google Analytics 4.
Universal Analytics property IDs start with UA and end with a number (UA-XXXXXXXXX-1).
Google Analytics 4 property IDs have only numbers (XXXXXXXXX).
For additional information on the differences between these two properties, click here.
Agents Section
Show Inactive on Roster
This setting is only available to Admins. Turning this setting on will show Agents that have been marked inactive on the applicable Team/Office/Company website.
For more information on inactive status Agents, click here.
Hide Agent Roster
As an Admin, you can use this setting to hide your agent roster.
Hide "Your Agent" Section from Listing Page
This setting will hide the 'Your Agent' section from listings on the website.
Homepage Custom Tagline
Update the website tagline without changing the website title.
Remove "Realtor Ⓡ" Title Next to Agent Name
This setting will remove the 'Realtor' verbiage from the Agent Profile page on your website.
Listings Section
Listing Details Page Style
Select a style to apply to your listing details pages throughout your website.
TIP: Click 'View' to see a preview of the page style.
Types Served
This is a list of property types that Inside Real Estate receives from the MLS board(s) that are enabled for your website.
If there is a property type that you are expecting to see and do not, this means that the MLS board(s) do not pass that type of property over to Inside Real Estate through the IDX feed being used. This is usually something that cannot be adjusted.
Checking a box means that a property with that selected listing type in the MLS will be included in search results and can be displayed where applicable. For instance, 'Multi-Family' properties will appear as an option to use when searching for properties and in the default widget displayed on your front page.
Unchecking a box means that the listing type will not appear as an option to use when searching for properties and, if it matches one of the types that the default widget uses (like Multi-Family), the number shown will say "0 Listings".
TIP: If you believe you are missing a listing from the MLS, check the listings type area first. Most "missing" listings are not displayed because the type of listing they are in the MLS is not enabled to display on your website.
MLS De-duplication
Use this setting to remove duplicate listings based on priority. For example, if there are duplicate listings in two MLS's, then the listing associated with the lower-priority MLS will not show on your website.
IMPORTANT: The feature discussed in this article may not be enabled for your BoldTrail account.
Broker/Owners: Have questions? Reach out to your Account Manager for assistance!
Coverage Only
Don't Scrub Areas
One of the several options available in that Listings section is the Don't Scrub Areas setting. It is toggled on by default and it is strongly recommended that you leave it toggled on.
When this setting is turned on it tells BoldTrail's system to look for misspelled or similar sounding locations and group them together under a main location that is widely used.
For example, say that a listing agent adds a new property to your MLS, but is typing a bit too quickly and misspells "Albuquerque" as "Albequerque". BoldTrail can tell that the city was misspelled and will display that listing as a result when a visitor searches the correct name even though it does not match exactly.
If you change this website by toggling it off then that misspelled location will be treated as a separate city from "Albuquerque" and visitors will need to purposely search for that misspelling in order to find that particular listing.
Hide Manual Listings
Available to Admins only. This setting allows Admins to hide listings that are manually added by their Agents from the Team, Office, or Company website.
Default Listing Sort
The default option for this setting is 'Price $$-$' meaning that when a visitor searches for listings they will see them sorted from highest price to lowest.
There are ten other options that you can choose from:
Price $-$$
Days on Website
# of Pictures
Each of these (other than the two price range options) will auto-sort the listings from highest to lowest. For example, 'Beds' will sort listings from most to least, 'Footage' will sort from most to least, etc...
The option you choose from the drop-down controls what visitors will initially see after searching for listings, but they are able to re-sort the listings using these same options as desired.
Default Display
Changes the default listings display on the listings search page.
The default for this setting is 'Map', meaning visitors will see their search results appear in a list next to a map with the location of each property plotted out on it.
TIP: The white "Use Parent" button acts as a reset button; it will revert that particular setting back to the option that your Office Admin has chosen for the Office website you are associated with.
Use Geographical Areas
Enhance your website with geographical areas using this setting.
To learn more about geographical areas, click here.
Extra Search Filters
Adds selected options as filters at the bottom of the filter selector tab on the listings search page. Location-based filters, like schools, will be added just above the ‘Property facts’ section for visibility.
Compliance Section
Please Note: Only Agents in the states of Texas, New York, and California will have the 'Compliance' section in Web & IDX Settings.
In the 'Compliance' section, you can see/update compliance requirements by state. Here you have the ability to:
See if your requirements are uploaded
Linked directly where you can upload/add requirements
Update documents as needed
New York
SOP documents can be uploaded directly here.
Link you to your user profile where you can input your Agent license number.
TREC form is automatically added to all Texas Sites.
IABS form can be downloaded.
IABS form can be uploaded.
Website Inheritance: What Does 'Trickle Down' mean?
In BoldTrail, websites can be managed individually for each Agent, Team, and Office.
This means that each entity (Agent, Team, or Office) can have its own roster settings, own blogs, testimonials, and other content.
As long as website settings remain untouched at the Agent level, they will always inherit the settings of the Office site.
In other words, your website settings are automatically updated by your Office Admin, unless you customize them yourself. If you choose to customize them yourself, your settings will remain permanently set until you change them again.
The trickle-down only affects the settings you do not touch. There is a separate save button for each setting.
Inherited Website Settings
Site Template
Template Color
Background Image
Zillow Reviews
Child Testimonials (if enabled by the Company Admin)
Background Video Youtube ID
Full Width Widgets (enabled by default)
Custom Navigation Settings
Custom Pages Links
Search Label
Sell Label
Finance Label
Resources Label
Agents Label
Hiring Label
Hiring Link
Listing Carousel
Homepage Listing Carousels 1, 2, and 3
Listing Details Page Style
Types Served
Default Listing Display
Homepage Widgets
Property Type
Meet the Team
If you have any questions on one or more of these options, please reach out to Support via the blue chat bubble to the right or by emailing support@insiderealestate.com!